

25 Feb 2022

5:23 pm. – E.W. – Jimena Meza J.

5:23 pm. E.W. Jimena Meza J.M. Alfreda Milan. A.M. Andrea. A. Humberto Echegoyen H.E. Mohamad Mohamad M.M. Kevin Fenderson. K.F. Theresa Obregon. T.O. Tanesha India T.I. Julio Nope J.N. P.S The Maitr’d of 80 Spring Street Baltahazzar, his name is Kevin, though for some reason I always call him Kieth or Kevin. Keith was my childhood friend in then all-white Caucasian Windsor Manitoba where I grew up and completed Elementary School 1-6 and then High School and Univerity in Nigeria, […]

24 Feb 2022

9:47 pm. – So, 3520 Facebook Fr

9:47 pm. So, 3520 Facebook Friends. C.E.T. 9:48 pm. I.D.H. It’s alright, I get it, I feel it in every nerve, muscle and intense strain going on in my body right now. 9:49 pm. I.D.I. Endurance Eze E.E. Tell me, this is a joke? I am Ease made to play Endurance Eze? Eze means King, in Ibo. Igbo. E.K. E.Z.E. As I noted when I responded to Jon Doe expression and Enquiry is 5-26-5. = 36. Anirbas Lem has 36 […]

24 Feb 2022

8:43 pm – 8:44 pm right now. – I

8:43 pm 8:44 pm right now. I was just reflecting privately on Anirbas Lem and now I had not seen her presence in a day or so, and Whaddaya know, I opened my page, and there she is. I tell ya, there is something about the six senses and Perfect Timming= A Fact. And the code Facebook Numbers 3511 and 3518, and 3519. Last night when I decided to buy a small bottle of E.J Brandy Blue. ( E.J.-5-10) E […]

24 Feb 2022

6:53 p.m. – F.E.C/ – Fact E is C

6:53 p.m. F.E.C/ Fact E is C. Existence Creation KOLO-53. So… I am at 3519 Facebook Friends, That is simple enough to read… Privately, Interiorily by You the Quiet Hearts? C.E.S. Stephen -Crowned By? C.E. A.I. Ceai means something… *”There is a second Portuguese word “Ceia” which means supper, such as ‘”ceia-do senhor,” meaning “the Lord’s Supper.” This word, however, comes from the Portuguese verb “cear,” meaning “to dine,” “to have supper.” Lords Supper. L.S. To Dine, To have Supper. […]

24 Feb 2022

6:51. pm – I smile. – Original F

6:51. pm I smile. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Feb 2022

6:45 pm – Must I wait another d

6:45 pm Must I wait another day? The Moment I leave- your realms and worlds Awakening and Transformation begins. You will not even realize that I am gone, your attentions will be focused if the Feelings Sensational… Emotion Rising, Overwhelming… “It is True, It’s True…!?!!!” “He Spoke Truth. It Is True…” Orgasms… then Cum Comes The E Ecstacy OH AH. 6:49 pm Or Death Rays. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Feb 2022

Treasure chest. The treasure i

Treasure chest. The treasure is in the chest. Your chest, the heart of gold. If you follow your heart you know where to dig for what you seek. Whatever we do externally is done internally. The external world is what we perceive as literal reality and the internal world is what we perceive through both literal and metaphorical means. When you walk a labyrinth you create that same pattern in your brain via your equilibrium registering the symmetry and geometry. […]

24 Feb 2022

So yes. The BACK is Also Blue.

So yes. The BACK is Also Blue. The Blue Rose too with I. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Feb 2022

My LADY. – Quick Silver – Mercuri

My LADY. Quick Silver Mercurial Wit A.G. Ag Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Feb 2022

“The entire universe is God’s

“The entire universe is God’s cosmic motion picture in which individuals are merely actors in the divine play who change roles through reincarnation. Mankind’s deepest suffering is rooted in identifying too closely with one’s current role rather than with the divine.” -Yogananda // Art by Joey Baker Art Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here