

28 Feb 2022

3:59 pm. – As I stated, so ofte

3:59 pm. As I stated, so often, I have coded the End of your reality, but I was aware that most would not believe me or care to investigate Truth Satya of my expression until they, You, where physically present and your comforts takem away. 4:00 pm S.P 4.00 and 104 Terrible Death. 20 4. 24. X-Factor, Generation X. *”Generation X, a term typically used to describe the generation of Americans born between 1965 and 1980, although some sources used […]

27 Feb 2022

10:05 pm. – J.O.E. – So a quick

10:05 pm. J.O.E. So a quick pause, I had always stated that the true problem in and with my body, was that someone who truly understands The Body, used Pressure points on my Body. As the Sensei’s of Martial Arts, China Japanese, as examples of the World Cultures who are Masters. P.P.= 16 16- 1. 32. 33. 33 Vertebrae in the Human Body. 10:10 pm. I was correct. My Pressure Points Ying Yang. Yin- Yan. 10:11 pm I was just […]

27 Feb 2022

7:55 pm. – The great problem wi

7:55 pm. The great problem with the Script, Play, and End Game is that it demands that someone- a person, a man to type in and code document and report the arrivals. Marlene Nancsi M.N Cora Regena C.R. 7:59 pm. M.N.C. R. C.R. M.C. N.R. NR reminds me of Stephen Johnson 30 Mutual Facebook Friends and I just paid 30 USD for Weed. Which was on his page today. 3562 Facebook Friends. C.E at the 62nd Portal, 2019. -2022. Nancsi. […]

27 Feb 2022

Oh yes, still at 3560 Facebook

Oh yes, still at 3560 Facebook Friends, though I have two new Facebook Friends… Louise Latonya L.L. Kalu Chineye. K.C. L.L. K.C. L.K.= 23 L.C. = 15. Represented and Reflection-Mirror-Embodiment. R & R. M.E. E.G. E.H Liberty C but let me code this name, and record it. I saw his name on my page liking the play and post of last week. It’s a Yoruba name and there were Yoruba workers who came to my section- The Balcony a week […]

27 Feb 2022

5:54 pm. – E: E.D- E is 54 – E -I

5:54 pm. E: E.D- E is 54 E -I-9-20 E.K is 9-19-20. I saw “a-like” and was curious yet quiet. as I wait for the Post Man- or Manifest Consequence, where I would not have called anyone, if the glitch in the circuit of Manifestation into Solid Fact into this reality of Harmony Manifestation, Harmony Consequences, Harmony E is back on at Automatic, where, and after this lull of Time- which this world and Count DR.A.CULA. C.D. has held up, […]

27 Feb 2022

Emeke Eternal Dancer .. – “Wher

Emeke Eternal Dancer .. “Where ever a Dancer Stand s Ready, that space is Holy Ground” Martha Graham/… A B.O.W…. 3rd of the Three images of myself shot by Kerem Sanl?man..2OOO-2OO1,,, 15-14 years ago,… Thank you Kerem so much… 3:13 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Feb 2022


MOTION PICTURES INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2018 FILM SUBMISSIONS. TITLE: JOHNNY THINKS DIRECTOR: Malcolm Rumbles @AuldFilms SUBMIT YOUR FILMS VIA @FilmFreeway http://www.mopiff.com for more #films #FilmsAroundTheWorld #filmmakers #actorslife #Festivals Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Feb 2022

3:13 pm – C.M – Cecilia MAN-Mauri

3:13 pm C.M Cecilia MAN-Maurice. 3:14 pm. C.N. Pi. 17. Q Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Feb 2022

3:50 p.m – You have Liberty C L

3:50 p.m You have Liberty C Liscomb to thank. Mother of Pearl Harbor Not Poverty Hollow The Harbor of The Pearl. T.P True Point. The Question What is the Point. 1948. Is my Mothers True Birth Code 1944 was what she clung to. Though really 1947.. 7 rises to 8 is 8 remember 007 Jaymes Bond Angelina Jolie 3:55 p.m C E E Christain Edwin Edwin War… Sometimes there is no alt but to go to War. War to understand. […]

27 Feb 2022

12:25 a.m – I was expecting you

12:25 a.m I was expecting you. My 3541 Facebook Friend- it was easy to see it from Liberty C 41 Mutual Facebook Friends. 14/41. Mohammas Ahmad. M.A. M.O.H.A.M.M A.S. *”Muslim: from a personal name based on Arabic mu? hammad ‘praiseworthy’ (derived from the verb ? hamida ‘praise’). This is the name of the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (570–632).” 570-632. Praise Worthy. *”Muhammad (Arabic: ???????? Muhammad) is the primary transliteration of the Arabic given name that comes from the […]