

06 Mar 2022

From Laura Walsh – See what I m

From Laura Walsh See what I mean, Sun Flowers ( Snow, I C E Landing, Not Daisys, Days Eye, D, E it is 54 right now see Eleanor Rosie-Eleanor Aquitaine, I shared, 11 54, code 11 K-S.P 54 Super Nova N – “T.S,O. S.N, 1- 369 written here on the Door Jamb archway out from my room in the back to the living room, then out the front door. Petty, Petty play. 10:29 pm. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Mar 2022

For the Line of Stephen Johnso

For the Line of Stephen Johnson & Liberty C Ancestral Ties Read The Codes and now Link Connect Sacred Portal 54, My Age code ithess Stephen Popiotek Bam El Lobo Vega *”Eleanor of Aquitaine was Queen of France from 1137 to 1152 as the wife of King Louis VII, Queen of England from 1154 to 1189 as the wife of King Henry II, and Duchess of Aquitaine in her own right from 1137 until her death in 1204. Wikipedia Born: […]

06 Mar 2022

6:59 pm – Fact: Sacred Portal 59

6:59 pm Fact: Sacred Portal 59. Naturally. Fact – It is the End of your world story, no matter how many veils, illusions, and layers placed on it by the Idea you created of Dimensions, to Deceive, Give an Illusion of Hope, it does not change the Facts. And your governments and secret societies who already know, as well as you too should have come clean and let you know, but they did not- because they were using a code […]

06 Mar 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Mar 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Mar 2022

2:26 pm – B.Z. – B.B.F. – 3-6-2022

2:26 pm B.Z. B.B.F. 3-6-2022. C-F-T.V. 2:29 pm I am at 3829 Facebook Friends. I was at 3828 when I got up to look at my page. When I sat down, it became 3829. Yes C- Earth. 8-29-2019. that code date, the day I moved to the Gemino Liscomb-Lang residence. It was also the date I discovered stamped on a Carton in which Arden used to swing Jeron Sataya around. 8-29-2019. H-B.I- T.S. I-B.I-T.S. Most older Facebook friends already know […]

06 Mar 2022

12:19 p.m – L.S. – L.A.I. D-Delt

12:19 p.m L.S. L.A.I. D-Delta. So let me complete this Equation where I met Alexa Vertefeuille immediately after meeting her in 900 South Road accompanied by Stephen- Esteban Miguel Filgueria, and she was introduced To Liberty C, 5 months pregnant who I had met for the first time also at 29 Lincoln Street. 29 L.S and ended up in her Home, on 29-8-2019. So, yes one can see this as the completion of the Circle, Filled. Defender of Man as […]

05 Mar 2022

10:06 pm – 106. Infinity. – 1006.

10:06 pm 106. Infinity. 1006. 1OO6. 16 66 A.F.-A. 3801 Facebook Friends, if only to get off of the 7 hundred, C-H. O.A. Jill Carolyn J.C. Jill Cheryl J.C. J.J. C.C. 1- A. 1-A. *”The name Jill is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “youthful”. Probably due to its nursery rhyme association, Jill has the perpetual air of a rosy-cheeked tot — even though it is one of the oldest names on the roster, a medieval variation on the […]

05 Mar 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Mar 2022

It is shaped on that which we

It is shaped on that which we spool Spread off, Bobin on a sewing machine or Weavers on Frame- The Body. Fritz Venneiq Told me he saw old women, grandmother, The Nag, the Wife the Maiden, knitting in the subway. He did not have to explain to me what was being done to my body Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here