

24 May 2013

5/24/2013 0:08 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 May 2013

5/22/2013 17:23 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 May 2013

5/9/2013 0:27 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 May 2013

5/6/2013 9:57 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Apr 2013

4/29/2013 21:18 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Apr 2013

4/29/2013 16:05 – Facebook Post

There is a secret code which David played which pleased the Lord, it goes like this…the 4th the 5th… D.E… To all my new FB Friends, there is a secret code contained in the back posts and a story which links daily to create a picture. Those who are on the vibration of E or H, will understand what is really being said undercover.. And others will get whatever they require from them. If you are still limited and contained […]

28 Apr 2013

4/28/2013 8:10 – Facebook Post

You moved in me at first as one cell in my heart that vibrated to a distant tuning fork an infinity away then as my heart whole gave way as a symphony eternal, as waves upon the waiting shore, you sang within me We inhaled the secret language of angels and leapt from the edge of the world into the spinning darkness clutching tightly to each other knowing we were the wings that would never land We embraced with human […]

26 Apr 2013

4/26/2013 19:40 – Facebook Post

The winds of grace are always blowing ~ it is for us to raise our sails ~ Ramakrishna ~ Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2013

4/26/2013 12:59 – Facebook Post

Don’t identify with anything Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2013

4/26/2013 4:37 – Facebook Post

“The huge waves of unsettledness you are feeling are pulses of energy from a new world. These pulses are adapting you to a new influx of energy. They are fine tuning your divine vessel. Soon these energy pulses will cease and will be no longer needed. At this time, you will be like Zen masters. Only then, it will be impossible for any disjointed or fragmented energy be able to unhinge or unbalance you in any way. This is our […]