

08 Mar 2022

6:08 pm – 68. – 668. – I am now a

6:08 pm 68. 668. I am now at 3917 Facebook Friends. C.I. Q. C.I-A.G. I just recieved the confirmation from Liberty C at 5:41 pm. Of my post yesterday where I coded her, and line as Liberty & Justice. She recounts that she was Leander ( Bun) 11-8-2008, when his Friend called Jusitce was in his room, and she even joked to Leander, ( Meaning “Man” Hero) that he had to remember this day that he had Liberty and Justice […]

08 Mar 2022

3:21 pm. – C.U. – C.B.A. – 3-8-202

3:21 pm. C.U. C.B.A. 3-8-2022. C-H-T. V. C-I-T.V. I am at 3910 Facebook Friends, from 38 85 then 38 82 and now with 18 added 3910. C-Sacred Portal 910 “Danger, Danger U.S.A. And 104, Terrible Death Declares War. Russia invaded Ukraine. *”Date 24 February 2022 – present (13 days) Territorial changes Russia occupies Kherson, one of the 22 regional capitals of Ukraine” 3-24-2022. C-X-T.V. C-B.D-T.V. – 2O- B.F.V. E- Fritz Venneiq Cold War. C.W. *”The Cold War was a period […]

08 Mar 2022

3:25 pm – C.Y. – B-B.E. – And so w

3:25 pm C.Y. B-B.E. And so we have I believe is the final response of and to the representative and Individual, Liberty C from the W.E. and W.A.S s an Individual. I am currently at 3885 Face ook friend with for all female new arrivals. C.H. -H.E. C- I. & I.E Deborah Anita D.A. (41) Rosalie Somer R.S CarolCarol C.C. C Leah Angie L.A. The Message: D.A. R.S. C (C.C). L.A First Letter. D.R. C. L. First Letter. Last Name. […]

08 Mar 2022

11:58 pm. – Whoah… That is cl

11:58 pm. Whoah… That is cloase. 1 58 was and has been the code on the CAB I had been seeing since Delta Manor, 158, and all the way to Arden my wallet, and the Red Truck. R.T. 158… I checked the meaning of the name of my 3880- 388O “C.H.H.O” Facebook Friend C.I.C.O. C.I.C.F. Full Circle. C.I.R. C.L.E.. Cle Keys, Florida Keys. K.F. “11-7.” 11-6. /6-11. 17/17. 1 34. A.C.D. C.E. Briley *”The name Briley is of Irish origin […]

08 Mar 2022

This is my latest Facebook fri

This is my latest Facebook friend, she arrived just after I added the Appendage Pls Read. 7:45 pm post. Pls, Read. P.R I had been reflecting on how I leave- ( which out nowhere- somewhere). I had never contemplated for some reason that the Unicorn Pegasus depicted would be the one driving the “getaway” car, I knew she was going to be around, but not the Driver, which would make perfect sense while I always saw a man sitting with […]

07 Mar 2022

7:45 pm. – So, you can see why

7:45 pm. So, you can see why I was held up? It was Jeron Satya and Liberty C intent that I complete the codes of his younger brother, Azure Lang, and his elder brother Leander before completing the play of Arden Gemino- the Incarnation of Adam God, A.G. O.C.E. O.N.C.E… And Future King. The True conversation between Expression-Emeka and E- H. Arden-Atom- AH T.OM.E. Gemino- Gemini. Jeron Satya Literally actually is Earth Heart. E.H. I.E, H.O.M.E. Which you can see […]

07 Mar 2022

5:33 p.m. – 3-7-2022. – The Comp

5:33 p.m. 3-7-2022. The Computer switched off again, perhaps it is Jae Sherman or one of her cats in the room. It is of little concern, it wiped away the post, and I am not going to write it again. But the summary was that I have witnessed Evil, which I have proven is an Illusion not even real or a fact, having been made into a Real Solid Fact, such as my computer being switched off, which is in […]

07 Mar 2022

4:18 pm D.R. – From Laura Walsh

4:18 pm D.R. From Laura Walsh 🙂 Functional Art. 4:19 pm. D.S. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Mar 2022

1:51 a.m – Sacred Portal 151. –

1:51 a.m Sacred Portal 151. I am at 3838 Facebook Friends 38/38 = 1. C.H/C.H=1. / Harftord Connecticut/ Harwington Conecticut= 1= Ana Chevalier – Anastasia Hart C.Harmony-C-Harwington. C.I/ C.I. 8-29=2019. 8-29-1992. 8-29-1993. 8-29-2020. 8-29-2022. I-B.I-T.V. I-B.I.B-O.T.V. I know how to code and program- Animate this. To Action, Movement. (edit 2:03 a,m 203-23) 1:59 a.m EXTINCTION. EVOLUTION, Y. O. U. Y Full Circle S.P. / P.S. Y.Chromosome. Evidence AY O. Chukwu 87 15-6. O Cosmos. U- 21 Universe U-U= 42.. 43. […]

06 Mar 2022

10:33 pm – I am going to let go

10:33 pm I am going to let go now, and retire, I am at 3833 Facebook Friends and the last play of my Mother & Father, irrotated me, as I watched my computer screem register the numbers 13 & 6. M.F on a 54 Coded post, S,P 54, Mother and Father -Father and Mother at last dancing in Universal Harmony Infinity etc… Super.Nova. S.N. 1- 369 Nikolai Teslas EQ Solved. Do you know that I went outside to walk or […]