

03 Jan 2014

1/3/2014 0:38 – Facebook Post

Alarm Bells. My host and I were conversing on the effect of sound vibrations used by bosses to control workers and other everyday life situations…and the extraordinary damage done on the human body and nervous system. I also remarked that the cause of the condition which led me to deaths door was the then, newly diagnosed condition “Fright and Flight” But to me literally became “Fight or Flight”. I was diagnosed with that condition in 1989 while still living in […]

02 Jan 2014

1/2/2014 6:25 – Facebook Post

*Foot note. *Urgent Bulletin on Hell.. J.C. said Hell.is real… Been there. Literally. It is. -An Invention of Man and Womans fear of Consequence and accountability for unrepentant behaviour… Not Created by Supreme Existence and never part of the plan. And just how far they would go before it resulted in something not real, which never was… becoming manifest and real… (P.S.It never stops) In consequence to the Laws of Cause and Effect by the repeated destruction of the laws […]

17 Dec 2013

12/17/2013 16:15 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Dec 2013

12/16/2013 18:50 – Facebook Post

O I. Omega Alpha Obum Albert. Obum, means “My H-earth” Albert (my host name) means Noble. My H-earth (House) is Noble. Full Circle. Poseidon Snowflake and The Dragons of Existence. I had a vision dream riddle which came to me as I slept. It was the Equation OI (k no w?-Yes!) and was about Snow and the past. In the Vision riddle there was a big O etched on my Hosts Garden and a I. P.S.After writing yesterdays posts about […]

15 Dec 2013

12/15/2013 20:31 – Facebook Post

Eric…Meaning “The Eternal Ruler”. Kasper, “Meaning, “The Master Treasurer..The Treasures Secret..The Wise Saintly King. The Perfumed Jewel. See Ble. See the wheat/Bread Autumn Harvest Ah. Ye, meaning Light Leaves. It also means “Illumination” Those who do not give up easily and “eldest of the twins.” E.A. Nexus. Meaning a Connection or series of connections which Link. E.K..S.A.H! Ye light leaves. Next us. Eric Nexus. Elegant Nomad. Signed; Dragons Of Existence. D.O.E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Dec 2013

12/15/2013 20:20 – Facebook Post

Trou de Cour Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Dec 2013

12/15/2013 20:05 – Facebook Post

Un Trou Noir au Couer de A Tom E. A Black Hole in the Heart of Autumn. AhTom. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Dec 2013

12/15/2013 19:54 – Facebook Post

E=Existence Energy Expression Explaination Echo= Resonate, Rever-b.e-rate, Response. Responding the Full Circle Arrow Intention Idention of the P.T. onto Consciousness Creation 2C Perfect Timing of G.O.D..4 O 7. 11..1. ..Through Stimuli Red Light Blue Light (Blood and Oxy gen) the Light of 8 Harmony Existence’s Meaning Matters 2 C the O..Source. Green Light Ah its On. G.O the line King I. David.. K:.I.D. Kid N.e Y Child of the Billy Goat Symbol of Evil Devil I lived I E saw […]

14 Dec 2013

12/14/2013 23:34 – Facebook Post

The Story of Theseus and my Thesis which includes the Sea of All of U. Its a snowing outside in New York city. Brown bare tree barks and the snow covered Earth. Brown and White Brown O White B.O.W. E.T Arrow of G.ODD. Hits The Point. Cue P.I.D. Not The Bulls Eye. Theseus and the Minatour of Poseidon God of the Seven Sees of Consciousness. Those who have been following the weave, links posts and responses from Existence, through ppls […]

13 Dec 2013

12/13/2013 23:40 – Facebook Post

A.H. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here