

20 Feb 2014

2/20/2014 19:03 – Facebook Post

P.S. What I was really simply clarifying was and is that this has not been my chosen manner of Expression of this Truth. Not like this on F.Book for 23 months. Not on the streets of New York. And certainly not in the homes of ppl who welcomed me in their homes. When I found I had no choice, I chose to make the best I could of my circumstances and situation. Which led me full Circle back to the […]

20 Feb 2014

2/20/2014 18:37 – Facebook Post

Dear Kerem Sanliman…Brother man. I decided to expand upon your comment to explain once more the reality of my E.T experience. For 14 years I have had no control of my consciousness nor my body. Since I left Istanbul summoned via messenger (Durek Verret and others) who literally channeled and delivered messages from an E.T Family and Consciousness I knew were my original family but whom I had never told a living soul about until Derek recieved their transmission and […]

20 Feb 2014

2/20/2014 0:44 – Facebook Post

There is a New Consciousness now in the world. Called Harmony. It is beyond the Harmony of Nature. It is beyond the Harmony of Universe. It is even beyond the consciousness of Naturalness. It is the E Harmony of Being in Existence. Harmony Existence. Yet without these four above listed Natural Laws of Harmony and understanding them one can not realize nor see or read the Fifth Element Harmony. Sithy Ameena identified that truth I have been doing. Authoring Harmony. […]

19 Feb 2014

2/19/2014 18:26 – Facebook Post

What story do you wish to share… As a story teller and then later Creative Director Choreographer and then film maker… I had always wanted to tell a Beautiful Fun mischevious story. One that would make people smile, laugh so hard they would be rolling on the floor. A Story that had all the Elements of life. But no lessons…Just a story which is my personal understanding of Existence in which all Existence could see themselves in. In which each […]

19 Feb 2014

2/19/2014 7:54 – Facebook Post

_Shared by K. Hicks Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2014

2/18/2014 23:21 – Facebook Post

The Family of Full Splendor of Beautiful Expression. The Family of 1 5 5… The One two Five As in 1 2(5) 1 55. The Story which it seems I had to not only prove but pass through a rage of its distortion to come back full circle 9.4 years later to that lightened up consciousness which enabled them to not only literally rise in me (as the family of Creation and Expression… The Family of T.E.N. But to also […]

18 Feb 2014

2/18/2014 21:54 – Facebook Post

Yeah its me again. But I find that I am compelled to come back to the Story written by myself. Down loaded through Awakened Memory and literal Energy Consciousness which rose up in me in 2004 on October 31st…And helped me remember and write this version of the Mission and how creation began. The post shared below of Le Ah Ma’at..(makes me think of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Ma at of Justice and crossing over in the Egyptian Book of […]

17 Feb 2014

2/17/2014 21:51 – Facebook Post

Panethism… The Everything is G.O.D.E/C.O.D.E. I heartily Agree… GODE to me is CODE and CODE based on my research and understanding is The Everything. But in my Research with Reading a seen and unseen script consciously, and being pulled by an Electromagnetic force which not only insisted I read it but led me for 25 to witness its truth- which I have been downloading constantly from own being. Then affirming it through “Pause” Echo Resonance Reverbration Response… That “The Everything […]

15 Feb 2014

2/15/2014 17:52 – Facebook Post

New Update Manifestation Victorious C.O.D.EG.O.D.E. The Big Apple The Apple Store 15 Feb… 215…B.A.E…B.O 14 Feb…. 214 B.A.D… B.N. Yeah…I know the forever Long Good bye… Genetic Manipulation… and Corruption of the D.N.A. Programming of the Creator and the Manipulation of the encoded program of Evolution of the species interrupted by using discordant sound Vibrations, to create mutation, fear and delay, detour the natural D.N.A program of Manifest Existence Truth… I have understood that the Genetic Manipulation of the D.N.A […]

14 Feb 2014

2/14/2014 0:41 – Facebook Post

Pi= 3.14 15 92 65… Golden Ratio= 1.6 18 03 39 88 75. 1. 61 80 33 98 87 5. Pi is 3.14 15 92 65… C as in Consciousness C as speed of Light (Snow Flakes) C.N.(A.D) O (A.E) I.B.F.E. Golden Ratio.. 1.6 18 O3 39 88 75 1.61 😯 33 98 87 5. A.F. A.H! OC I.C. H.H. G.E. or A.F.A..HO C.I. C.H HG E. And if you interface the two Pi and the Golden Ratio… 3.14 15 […]