

12 Jul 2014

7/12/2014 23:50 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 58 Spirited Away… The Correct Way. Esther Uzoma.. The Star led home the Beautiful Way. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Jul 2014

7/12/2014 23:48 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 49…D.I. Affirmed. Death to Extinction in every dimension. The Black Cock of the Awakening Denied. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Jul 2014

7/12/2014 23:45 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 48. Beautiful Death. Notice the Leviathan. The Afo Ofo Staff of Truth The sword of Justice. The C of Creator And the Wrath of Big Awareness.. And me as the Arabian Prince 1001 Nights… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Jul 2014

7/12/2014 23:38 – Facebook Post

Contd. 1 57. This has been an Energetic play. The Earth and the United States of A .E are all mapped out as Energy Fields. Laid out by the “Black and White Moors… Rom eo and Juliet Enyioko… (Enyi is Elephant Symbol of Memory and Strength..M.S of the A. Not Uncle Sam or the illusion of Mass. The Roman Grid Pattern is A patten used in New York City. David Roman Nicholai Who I met in New York who shared […]

12 Jul 2014

7/12/2014 1:11 – Facebook Post

P.S… The World does Not Need Me… Nor my Family. They Needed to learn how to Read. Link not Think This Done we my Family rest. We will not be enslaved by ppls illusion of Need. They Needed to Learn how to Read… The Unseen Seen Et Link it to A. U.S.A. .Which is 1A..Ahtom Manifestation Energy Transforming to Atom… Like Erik Ebright..equation of using the correct Consciousness to.manifest his House…just like that. One moment a Dream impossible Then Bing! […]

11 Jul 2014

7/11/2014 22:26 – Facebook Post

Hello a quick update… After the Equation of Bomonty Fotograf Bomonty (Constantinople Istanbul..C.I…) I saw Israel Cotto..I.C almost immediately after wards. And once we reached 1 69 (cde Nn am D.i.”Meaning “My Father I.S…here..hear” My twin self as my younger brother who left at 13 to play Absence or Death…But who I have been in communication with through Both of us being awake and linked by the True play which was said to have existed beyond memory. Which we established […]

11 Jul 2014

7/11/2014 18:16 – Facebook Post

Welcome David Philipe Gil… My 169 F.B.F Your harmony to the Beautiful Script of Truth I have been following and reading since I was 8 is beautiful….astounding as my 168 F.B.F. Yesterday, I mention that the code on my phone was at 69… which was the code to reach… David means the Beloved, Phillipe means Friend of Horses which in code Horses represent the spirit of man… the wind which carries us… Stream of Consciousness, and Being… Gil means “Bright […]

11 Jul 2014

7/11/2014 16:14 – Facebook Post

Messenger of E.Creation. Contd. As many are aware I have documented the Evidence of how I was informed by the Line of E and Creation how I go home. That the line of E comes to take me home when I completed the counter weave against the Tryanny of Mind Control which has been weaving a play script so irresponsibly that even the human subconscious collective felt the fear real of a 2012 Armageddone. To dismiss Human Beings Instinct and […]

09 Jul 2014

7/9/2014 0:35 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 37. Beautiful Death transformed back into the Beauty of Immortal Eternal life Energy Beyond. Creator Creation. E.K. Thanks Edward Eceinco so brilliant fun and full of ease of Harmony and sense of mischief the playing with you. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Jul 2014

7/8/2014 21:56 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal.87. This was affirmed today. The two behind are not women but the two representing the sacred Feminine. E.K. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here