

21 Jul 2014

7/21/2014 19:32 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 111 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jul 2014

7/21/2014 19:30 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 55. EE.. Arrival of the Ti-Te-T.E.A…Master And the Family of E aligned from his past – his S.P. IN. E road path straightened into the Arrow Aro Fart of A.G.O.D. Te 7th Note. Fa 4 note. F.A.T E.. 4-7=11 1. E1. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jul 2014

7/21/2014 18:54 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 5O This is the Face of the O.G montrousity I was fighting.. The one who claimed that he is E.O. 5.O… See the play of EE…just as David Philipe Gil arrived as F.B.F. Ayat..Evidence Sign E.S. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jul 2014

7/21/2014 18:50 – Facebook Post

This is Sacred Portal 3O. C.O. It shows one Provoking Taunting the other to rage to fight using the Bull Matadoor stance. The other refuses to engage. The Battle I have been in here and on Cyber space with E.E as Peurto Rico P.R on three Dimensions. Fa As the forth note Fa as I Fa..I am the four someone is claiming… The one Refuses to be Drawn in Ogbo Nna…is that the Spitting image in a mirror? No… Chukwuma […]

21 Jul 2014

7/21/2014 18:43 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 47. Trinity plus One Arch Angels of Destruction 47/74 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jul 2014

7/21/2014 4:09 – Facebook Post

The One within Who rises also outside. Nnamdi Alexander E The Macadonian. Sensie Lord E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Jul 2014

7/20/2014 23:45 – Facebook Post

From Hassan Rashid… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Jul 2014

7/20/2014 23:42 – Facebook Post

From Hassan Rashid… Sensie B Am Boo. Dec 26…12 Z. Dec 26 1992 came back from Death.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Jul 2014

7/20/2014 23:34 – Facebook Post

Once more Hello I have another new F.B friend who arrived at the instant I finished editing the Nnamdi Nicholas Tesslar post. Chukwuma Ogbonna…which should move us to 175 F.B.F if I am correct. A.G.E. The Alpha G7 vibration is E. E.G.A…Which in O.I Nri Igbo means “To walk to go..” Chukwuma Ogbonna…Welcome. You came in perfect Harmony on the Heels of Hassan Rashid….H.R. Pls see my Welcome and Introduction to him giving a brief description of this End Play […]

20 Jul 2014

7/20/2014 17:50 – Facebook Post

And my Focus on my “Third Eye III” (First Eye..F.E..65) created a pathway. Which I then walked on and entered into my reflections… The Evening Dark surrounding it was my self vieling of my knowing in order to break down “How” I knew. This why there is always Dawn. Awakening from rest and relaxation… Aka Sleep. E.K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here