

24 Jul 2014

7/24/2014 4:10 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 54. Affirmed and Acted out “Mother and Father at last dancing as one in universal Majestic Royal Reign of Supreme Harmony…” Emeka David. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Jul 2014

7/23/2014 23:05 – Facebook Post

Response E1… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Jul 2014

7/23/2014 23:03 – Facebook Post

The Anchor Ank to land your Being in your Body is Self Mastery. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Jul 2014

7/23/2014 23:01 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 23… Double U… See sacred portal 1.OO… Pan Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Jul 2014

7/23/2014 22:16 – Facebook Post

July 23.. Double U.V.I.E. Hello… Pls bear with me those who do not understand the play at present. But I am impulsed to record everything for future purposes. Afor Oye Eke Nkwo. Mon day Tues day Wednessday Thurs day Fri day Sat ur day Sun Day. (We did the play of the seven days of the week last year) 4-7.11…1 I saw David Philipe Gil and after the three attempt to store my bags each one failing… Today David took […]

22 Jul 2014

7/22/2014 21:45 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 121. ABA…(ABBA Vishnu E Nari Ayat) Read the Bottom “I am Nnamdi Father Spirit Guide Of Human Air andbBreath. African and American AA Axel Anderson Indian (Vishnu) Spirit….(Host code One Spirit.) Of the Dream of our Mother The Snow Queen Snow Flake is Here..” 2010. I.S..D.I…Here. Nn. A.M. D.I. I.D…M.A.N.. N…Nature. Hassan Rashid on the Drums. Heart Beat. H.B 28 E.K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Jul 2014

7/22/2014 18:17 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 147 B. And here is the Double V ie the beubg of 47+47 94.. I.D. I Dance. E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Jul 2014

7/22/2014 18:15 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 123… Ah.Be Cee….David Emeka (Praise Testitfy…which he did)… D.E 45 The sacred chord which David played which pleased the Lord..The Note of Investigation then Compassion. I.C Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Jul 2014

7/22/2014 15:42 – Facebook Post

The Lady Sarah Lagrange What lies in store is a A Dare… A Daring Nature.. Explore at your own Risk De Sir E. E.K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Jul 2014

7/22/2014 1:55 – Facebook Post

Fritz Venneiq Arawak E.T Shaman Existence Knowm E.K. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here