

01 Aug 2014

8/1/2014 11:39 – Facebook Post

The universe has a self-similar geometric structure at all scales from the cosmological to the quantum… a connected universe. http://resonance.is/ The Resonance Project • The Universe • Expanded Consciousness • Universe Explorers • The Universe • Milky way scientists • Enlightened Consciousness • Physics-astronomy • Cosmometry • Fractal Enlightenment • Phi – 1:1.618 – the Golden Ratio • Ancient Explorers • The Mind Unleashed • (post by Jamie Janover) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Jul 2014

7/29/2014 3:02 – Facebook Post

Wisdom is meant for the world, but it must be given to individuals, and they must prepare and be able to translate it into the existence, the language and the images of daily life. Pure truth, pure Wisdom, pure affinity and pure relationship cannot be received here yet, except by a rare person here and there. And even these individuals must undergo tremendous development. This is because people’s desire and capacity for truth and honesty, relationship and affinity are so […]

25 Jul 2014

7/25/2014 20:17 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 52. Supreme Authority of Existence (S.A..O.E) Mi Lady Athena Sophia. A.S. Artemis Diannah And Lady E Echo. July 25/52….145 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Jul 2014

7/25/2014 3:29 – Facebook Post

From Shubhi Gautama… (Shubhi means “Good Luck”…Gautama-Siddhartta Boudha) …Still perhaps its time to make the species and consciousness’s of mosquitoes Extinct. Vampires added no polish.. At, least not to my shine… E.K. A.ka. Sm-ile. Ile means Tongue. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Jul 2014

7/25/2014 1:45 – Facebook Post

Hello Well what do you know.. We are at 174 F.B.F… Q.E.D was already played out. This was a play designed without my knowing to catch the Consciousness which is constant betrayal brings war pestilence and Disease… Disrespect of others sacred space. 174… A G.D… A G.O.D. D.O.G.A….Jake…Do 71 (July 1st) Completed proofs of Matrix codes wrk. Royalty is Loyalty to the God in each of us and all of you. Sacred Respect. 17 4 Q E. D. Namaste. E.K […]

24 Jul 2014

7/24/2014 23:54 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 9O. 1.O. Supreme E Energy Supreme Harmony Universal Expression E.S.H.U.E….KRSNA. E.K The E The Real One. The Supreme Expression of Hue manuo-it Y. Aurora Borealis A.B. Evolution. Alaska Hawaii. A.H. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Jul 2014

7/24/2014 23:15 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 48. Beautuful Death. B.D…. B.e Love E.D ..DA Vide. Be Quiet. B.Q…. 2..Q.E… The Quiet Heart. EShue my Son “Quiet the Big Mouths Forever it is the only way for the ascension of peace quiet and rest… for it seems that is the only way to affirm that I am who I am is by you rising as my Truth…” 1948… S.D.H. Sad Harmony. Is Real… E.K. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Jul 2014

7/24/2014 23:07 – Facebook Post

A Quick update. July 24 175 F.B.Friend. Q.E..D. 24/O7/14. X..G..N. What does it mean when a 3-4 year old of the A lien council code name R A.H and (code name Jake J.O.Y Jake Yang… JA K.E…Yin to Yang….. Tells you that you are one only one real… To which I solenmly replied.. “Thank you…” (wanted to say I Know bt..) It means that from the moment I was born into this world I was being tested in a Matrix […]

24 Jul 2014

7/24/2014 21:42 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 76. “The Awakening!” See the Extraordinary Harmony E.H of Dawn Marie.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Jul 2014

7/24/2014 21:39 – Facebook Post

Lady Dawn Marie… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here