

12 Sep 2014

9/12/2014 20:55 – Facebook Post

From David Philipe Gil THATS IT….!!!!! David you got it!!! Thats our consciousness.. Oh!!! You made my day…the play I have been saying this for 29 months..29 years… I could not understand why they could not see this… And I just could not let go of that Truth no mattee what was done to be.. I understood and I could not deny it… No matter how cruel and mean and violent.. I could see the person and their beauty… …thier […]

11 Sep 2014

9/11/2014 23:04 – Facebook Post

21:57 P.M. 9.11..2O 14. Code 7 G. E. Yesterday completed with J.Stern. Egypt. Code today 34 C.D. I met up with David Philipe Gil… I was not sure we would meet. It was not pivotal to me but it was pivotal to the “play” I am done with the “Play Script” but it is not done with me. I woke up at 11:22.. I went to bed at 6-7.. The code as I mentioned is my Mothers C’s Birthday and […]

11 Sep 2014

9/11/2014 17:34 – Facebook Post

9 11 2O 14. Hello 13 years have passed since 911… Yesterday I was able to take a shower and eat. I was on the 13th floor. Today I saw numbers 13 on my mesage board. 13 years doing this jouney in New York. Six months after arriving in New York 9 11 happened. I know it is often difficult for ppl to recall that I live in a consciousness of Truth that can not be made dirty. That as […]

09 Sep 2014

9/9/2014 22:36 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Sep 2014

9/8/2014 23:54 – Facebook Post

8/9/2O14 8-9. Hi True Naturals… “Don’t cry… Don’t cry…. Don’t cry lets be sweet hearts again….!!!” is the haunting blues melody playing at The Bean first and 9th. …Yeah, the weave is complete. Just abit of intel since I am still here… Many who I lived have heard me say on asking me when will my journey end abd where is home.. And my response that I am looking for my portal to my family… To my home. And say […]

08 Sep 2014

9/8/2014 7:12 – Facebook Post

A Perfect Sphere. P.S My portal the Full Circle L une. Moon Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Sep 2014

9/7/2014 22:29 – Facebook Post

The I and the O… Beyond NRI… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Sep 2014

9/7/2014 22:08 – Facebook Post

I found this on my way down from Pelham Park in nearly the same place as the “Wand”… It is very much like a childrens game… All symbolic. Its been like this for 12 yrs but it is so real… And “They” use the simplest things we throw away to illustrate human consciousness throwing away it most valuable and simplest but most perfect tools and inventions which bc were the foundations of Existence Evolution… E.K Original Facebook Post URL: Click […]

06 Sep 2014

9/6/2014 23:13 – Facebook Post

Sonny Black… The man. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Sep 2014

9/6/2014 20:41 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here