

26 Sep 2014

9/26/2014 15:15 – Facebook Post

26 September 2o 14 O9/26… I.Z… I. B.F. I have a new Face Book Friend again… We are now at Twenty Three.. TT 23 ( X+= 56)…E.F… 11 1. In the END when all things must fade of the 11 1 remain as it was and always will be. My New Face Book Friend is Dina Singh Dina means “AVENGED” Singh means LION IN Sanskrit.. The Lion of Judah is Avenged… see the back posts and whose image had the […]

26 Sep 2014

9/26/2014 8:28 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Sep 2014

9/25/2014 17:35 – Facebook Post

Sept 25… Yes, I can’t believe I am here but I do believe I have solved the last Riddle which Nikoma Albert and David were used as Avatars of… It was a contest literally between two stories that of the Jewish Nation and the O.I NRI as the the original story. Apparently the Jewish nation controls the wealth the banks the entertainment and to over throw that consciousness which would be acceptable this last play was formed… Especially to get […]

25 Sep 2014

9/25/2014 15:05 – Facebook Post

Sept 25… 2O 14 I. Y… T.N (T. E. N) I B..E. Hello… 2O2 Seems to be the stopping point. My body is getting taller, longer… I AM EVOLVING. That is the big Elephant in the room and I do beleive that my I.E Energy brought to Face book to prove and provide evidence of what has happened to my consciousness in being… Simply by following my True Nature. I am in contact with the highest frequencies in Existence and […]

24 Sep 2014

9/24/2014 18:16 – Facebook Post

Hello… I X Code 9. IX is 9 in Roman Numericals… R.N…. Not N.R which is Nikoma’s initials. I do believe once more that we are passing through a portal but this time it is Nature… I had once again no desire to post… I was at Balthazar when I received the impulse to come to the apple store… A.S. Code. When I saw a text from David Philipe Gil… I Heard his tone and realized that once again it […]

24 Sep 2014

9/24/2014 14:46 – Facebook Post

It is not the people who I despise… No, the people are sleeping unaware that they are being moved in a play.. no, it is the Evill beyond definition of this set up, this play… At how such a thing, such a play could ever be.. That it is real and was created written for a species and a being to play out renders the very concepts of Existence meaningingless. It is true that Humanity is irresponsible and careless and […]

24 Sep 2014

9/24/2014 14:24 – Facebook Post

Contd 9/24 I X I the Expansion I the X Factor.. Key Master.. I knew that I had to speak to Micheal O Hara and he called just as my host had made an expression in which he said it is the Tone of voice as I had been telling him was the power of True Nature… Being yourself creates a Vibration and Flow. I had asked Nikoma Rios why he had come to see me, he told me that […]

19 Sep 2014

9/19/2014 22:41 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Sep 2014

9/19/2014 22:19 – Facebook Post

Riddle of the Sphinx Riddle of Existence.. If you are Worthy Walk! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Sep 2014

9/19/2014 21:26 – Facebook Post

Found this yesterday off the street I frequent near Balthazar… 9 7 16 7 E.K. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here