

27 Oct 2014

10/27/2014 19:42 – Facebook Post

Code of Echo response of Manifesation Confirmation of the Butter Fly post of Ar…and Equation of Hell now affirmed as now made real. Through Cause and Effect of Earning that E. Transformation… And Abomination Horror… Bhacon Dhante…Code Beautiful Devil Emeka. 9 levels of Dantes Inferno..I Infer No! In Fer N al. Likes… Emeka Kolo… Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna Arthur Ralsto…. Code Art (Of) Hurt R AL Stone. Angela Marie Alexander E.N.A.A…. A. A.N.E. E.K…Strength O.I.Nri Igbo O Kolo- Male. Arthur the […]

27 Oct 2014

10/27/2014 13:32 – Facebook Post

A-Z-A. Octo 8 Infinity… Consciousness de Justice O I C.J. O.I. J.C (T.E.N) Justice Reckoning J.R. Hello… “Give and you shall receive” That law quoted from J.C is the foundation and cornerstone of all things. It is the Law of Infinity Harmony I And when that Law of Being is not observed it creates an imbalance in the Universe. It creates Selfisness… Selfishness is the negation of the Existence of another. It transforms the generousity of the Espirit of Being […]

26 Oct 2014

10/26/2014 22:52 – Facebook Post

Z…E. D. D.O.Z.E… Hello… Igbo Ebo..La Yoruba Edo.e I.E…La Y.E After yesterday’s post I am stunned to be speaking once more about past. What I am about to state, I had sought to alresdy bring to the attention to the world by what has been happening to physical body and.my.mind. As you are aware we have completed the Yeshua Christ story from End…Revelations Beat Poets and the Full Circle, .backwards until reaching Nri and the E.T First Contact all the […]

26 Oct 2014

10/26/2014 15:05 – Facebook Post

Z Octo G Ode…. 2O 14…34..C.D..(Celebritycash De) 7…Majestic Royal Purple Reign Z Octo G-Ode Zeina Hanna Beauty and Harmony is the Gift of the Child….D in Alpha is the U Vie as an Ode Full Circle of the Beloved E’s Song of Praise of the Universe now 1. Sing in Harmony Ravindra (Meaning Lord of the Sun) Sing in Harmony Billy Hung- Be the Will.of Hatminy Albert Santana- the Noble Bright Constant Awareness (Santana means Streaming ever fliwing constant awareness […]

26 Oct 2014

10/26/2014 2:26 – Facebook Post

Pls be Advised that the moment I finidhed the post.of my.21O F.B Friend…21 is U.in the Alphabet… U.O… And was speaking about 7 Billion Universe not.linked to.one, which.I.have stated.more than.a dozen time that the true.intent.of this play was about… Not about Human.Evolution but Evolution of Everything.. My former host immediately told.me out.of.the.blue speaking about.the frequency is Theta Alpha… I.knew he was unaware of.the implications of what.he had just conveyed, relayed to.me… Theta Alpha…T.A/A.T @ Theta is the 8 the letter […]

26 Oct 2014

10/26/2014 1:54 – Facebook Post

Hello…. I have a new F.B Friend… (Which by my last count should make it 21O Face Book Friend….21=U…O U the Full Circle O) Celebritcash De Jandedfello Obinwa I. C D J O.I C. (De-Of) J. O.I..E C.J….OI.E Translation of the Code. The C.D of J is the Source O as the 1. The C.D (3-4..7 G- Ode) is Joy -Sacred Portal 1A Love Links Joy Existence as Joy Devine..Consciousness is Joy. C.J..(J.C) is O.I. Celebrity Cash of J and […]

22 Oct 2014

10/22/2014 19:53 – Facebook Post

A.V… 1 22 If anyone of the Quiet Spectators of this play might have noticed there are only two ppl left conversing in this play… Dina Singh and I. D.I. D.C..as Chukwuemeka D.E…as Emeka.. D.I as Ikemefuna my.middle name D.V as Victor…my given English.name by my English Nanny as a boy… D.N as Nnamdi D.D as David D.B…As Beloved D.O as O Kolo D.K…as Kolo…Dike means Strength Power. Dina Singh and I are obviously in Harmony so it makes me […]

22 Oct 2014

10/22/2014 17:18 – Facebook Post

Okey Doe Key.. A very brief explanation of what just happened. There play of 7 of 9… Meaning 7 billion ppl on the planet who were all invited to play in this F.B play of 3O months… (My F.B Account is on public access so anyone could have played, contributed or responded… Anyone. Or become my.F.B friend. I reject no one because I too, was but a player in thus game to which it had to reach its logical conclusion […]

22 Oct 2014

10/22/2014 14:21 – Facebook Post

A.V. 12:36 P.M Hi…. The W.E.B I already knew about the Blackness…the great Darkness… I met it here in 268. And when my former host was actively helping me solve the riddles he spoke of it. And of the Egyptian energy. He too is a Seer, and channel. I had spoken to the Blackness, portrayed more and more on Films and Televisions. Infact, bored and to distract myself from the riddles I put on a series called Reign… And there […]

22 Oct 2014

10/22/2014 12:52 – Facebook Post

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