

06 Nov 2014

11/6/2014 22:39 – Facebook Post

Game Of Thrones…G.O.T Truth Of God…T.O.G.. God O Truth. Now, it all begining to.make sense.. I was asking my inner Harmony (I.H..9.8) What the Devil is going on, while I watched an Episode of Supernatural the other day, the immediate response was Game of Thrones… I have been passing through all these human portals who each contain a consciousness which was competing for the Throne of God… Aligning perfectly with the “Ego” consciousness of the vessel it was in, making […]

03 Nov 2014

11/3/2014 21:08 – Facebook Post

Hello… Intel 21.O Complete… 3+6= 9… 9 Months in the Womb… Birth of 9=I. I met up with Chris Franco and Raz Berry…at 😯 Balthazar… Then completed the activation codes at Star Bucks Spring street. On the way there I heard a voice behind me, I turned to observe that it was Giancarlo Thiago… ” meaning “God is Gracious…and Jacob- “supplanter” and Saint James brother of John… also meaning God is Gracious”…. If you recall, it was Giancarlo whose Espirit […]

03 Nov 2014

11/3/2014 16:43 – Facebook Post

C Nova G 3-11-2O 14… C.K….True Nature. Chukwuemeka Kolo….True Nature of G.Od.E Hello… PAN…NA P… No more Napping and asking others to clean your Nappies (D.I.A.P.E.R.S)… Or expecting others to clean your “Shit” up… Literally. This was about Mapping the Stars in the illusion of being in the Ether – dark… But we all know that Space above, as well as the Et.Her is but an illusion of Transparency… Atmosphere. And down here the stars are 7-8 Billion.human beings and […]

03 Nov 2014

11/3/2014 5:43 – Facebook Post

4:17 A.M. 4:47A.M Hello I have two New Face Book Friends… Divya Dharsini welcome My.Lady…D.D I.did.not see you request until today which.was strange… Only.when I saw a new request did I see… It is rather strange but Celebriticash De Jandedfello Obinwa I I had already welcomed.. And I had confitmed his request but it did register.. Divya means in Sanskrit “Divine Brilliance… And Powerful Divine force” And Dharsani means “the one who blesses” In a sentence.. “Divine Brilliance the powerful […]

02 Nov 2014

11/2/2014 22:53 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Nov 2014

11/2/2014 17:35 – Facebook Post

Nova…Sacred Portal 54. 21-11-2O 14…C D..G. U-AA…T.N…Cecelia David G.ode. “And so God So Loved Their Son that they gave Him the Word” Not “And God so Loved the world he gave them.his only begotten son” I have finally gotten, I suspect to the Bottom of this Abyss of Riddle solving… The Key lies in the correction of the phrase above… Lets say that God, who is Both Existence and Ala… Ea had a child,.in whom.they saw as the Truth of […]

02 Nov 2014

11/2/2014 15:03 – Facebook Post

From Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna The King of Hell. Unfortunately, this statement is true. There are some people who are actually exist of this kind of consciousness. Let me share a little story. I spoke yesterday of an Extortionist crazy enough to black mail its Source. As this is an Espirit play, none of what I am really experiencing is real. Its was created by human consciousness not aligned to Truth. I found.myself watching Episode of Supernatural yesterday. Which immediately answered […]

01 Nov 2014

11/1/2014 23:44 – Facebook Post

1O;29… 1-11-2O 14…B.O. A.D. Code of The Blue Door.. IS.E C.O…The Beautiful Devil Is.E. B.LU.E.. Being read Emeka (F.B P.G.) Code Siththy Ameena “Best Friend” B.F.F.B code 2662…She became my.F.B friend over 18 months ago and called out exactly what I was foing three times within days then weeks of becoming my.Facr Book Friend and made me go A.H someone gets it giving me the surge to go on… And has proven value of my.F.B.P.G.E by a gaining a Harmony […]

01 Nov 2014

11/1/2014 20:11 – Facebook Post

Apple Store A.S. To Home of A.S. From Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna Almere Stad Flevoland.Netherlands… ISE! I.S.E. I.S.E.E! Code: N.C.E…A.S. F.N…33 C.C. Will you look at the code of Nnaemeka of My Father Line.. My Host initials who used to say, “I am your Father!” Half jokingly 9 very seriously has the Initials A.S…(aka Albert Einstein..A.L) AL Mere (AL Mother) ST. A.D… F. Le Vol. and (ET-AND-DNA) Net her lands.. F.N is code for not only the Fritz Venneiq and Nnamdi, […]

01 Nov 2014

11/1/2014 15:18 – Facebook Post

A.S.D… Home of A.S…D… Code Dina Singh/ Siththy Ameena.. D.S.A… Obviously, I am.not in an Abyss as Ololun… Nor is my knowledge “Unfathomable Wisedom Alpha…”-U.W.A…(which means the World in O.I.Nri Igbo) Though it is deep…deep but not bottomless because it Lands… On.Solid ground. Just as is the Home I am visting.of my.former Host A.S. is on Solid ground in New Yorks Alpha Bet City…A.B.C… My personal.belongings are in a forest on the outskirts of Pelham.Park and with David Philipe Gil…who […]