

24 Jan 2015

1/24/2015 5:51 – Facebook Post

3:31 A M 24-1-8 X-A.H. Hello… I have a New Facebook… James Kerr… Welcome… I have been linking a riddle from a series of sequences and patterns which I began to read and see as a boy. These patterns I could read linked to parallel universe, dimensions experiences and memories… I never questioned these realities or realms because they all were interfaced somehow with this realm. Until I realized not everyone could see them, or how many people disconnected themselves […]

22 Jan 2015

1/22/2015 17:08 – Facebook Post

2:O2-3 P.M. 22-1-8 V-A-H. H.A.V…E NU..E? The Nature of Non Existent and Opening the Lock of the Forbidden Door. Ending of An Existence from End to Beginning. Obviously, many are unsure of what this play is about. But I think I have gone out of my way to be patient and explain that I am Evolved. And representing the race of Hue-Man being set to take over Humanity- who merely served as the ore to which this end purpose was […]

21 Jan 2015

1/21/2015 18:06 – Facebook Post

4:35 P.M. Dear Nnamdi my beloved… Now do you understand..? The only impediment to the Evolution and Awakening of the species was you, yourself. Giving power to Nothing. For I spoke with you in the very begining that Nothing is the matter with Existence Creation. Because even before you rose, as the Completion symbolizing the END. Everything was already in perfection, believe me I checked. So when I sent you into this realm to investigate for yourself, it was for […]

18 Jan 2015

1/18/2015 20:51 – Facebook Post

6:21… 18-1-18 The Space Cloud where all human data is now uploaded (Cloud 9) The Space called the Akashic Records where all information existed in * Neel Akash.. E.T.NA. “Saphire Blue Empty Space” Meaning Atmosphere Sky (Cielo). The E Within- which I have demonstrated Exist in all humanity through this Facebook Play of 33 months. Which I have shown that the E in all of you are in one Full Circle of alignment with me, Emeka Kolo…thus the E in […]

17 Jan 2015

1/17/2015 18:47 – Facebook Post

3:39 P.M. (C.C.I) 17-1-8… Q-A-H… Question Answer Harmony… Hello… Resistance to Evolution and Change. “I once heard the plight of a person whom I met on FaceBook who was aware of the Higher play. I was living in KEW Gardens at the time. Sponsored by B.Hung. His name was Heath. He required some financial aid. And he made a public appeal. I have always known that just because ppl are aware, does not mean they will enact the correct behavior. […]

15 Jan 2015

1/15/2015 17:21 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jan 2015

1/15/2015 7:06 – Facebook Post

Joy, Shawne Shawne Duperon – Shawne TV

11 Jan 2015

1/11/2015 4:02 – Facebook Post

1:32 A.M. A.C.B=E. 11-1-2O15. Hello I have a new Face Book Friend. Jeff Payne… Welcome… Thus should make you my 235 Face Book friend. Meaning that I..we, have sucessfuly passed though Eshe Chuki Asale (my 234 F.B friend, whose name meaning “Life..Life’s Echo is True Nature T.N…T=2Oth letter and N=14… 2O+14=34/43… 3+4=7.. 7=G. 7th Chakra 7 note…Ti! Te… 7 Color Violet Purple. Chuki Means ” after passing through Hatred and Strife” Asale Means “Speak”.. And so after that play affirmed […]

07 Jan 2015

1/7/2015 17:28 – Facebook Post

Solving the Last Riddles of Existence from Beyond Universe. Portal Milky Way 87-78W 6OX 11O1. And the Lie of the Brain and the Universal Mind being the Organism called Universe but rather the Reciever Synthesizer musical instrument which translates the Musical Score of the Song H Code F B F Dina Singh- Harmony into words which form a Song of music which links the Source of the Singer..The Singer and Eternal Dancer who Exists Beyond Universe as Space Time and […]

07 Jan 2015

1/7/2015 0:46 – Facebook Post

1O:41 P.M. AO: D A. 6-1-2015 (2O+15=35..=8 Infinity Harmony) F-A- Infinity Harmony. FA T.H.E…R..(R=18..1=A, 8H) FATHER-A.H…of (X O6) Infinity Harmony. A FAther A.H of Infinity F.A.O.I F.O.I..E Hello; I have another Facebook Friend Lady Eshe Chuki Asale… E-She…E.S.H.E… The 234 Facebook Friend. 2=B…34-C.D. E= CMe4/3….Life… 234…B= 7..G. E.C.D (Music Song Harmony Life) I just had a private text conversation with lady Eshe in which she stated that she has been reading my posts and had wanted to send me a […]