

30 Jan 2015

1/30/2015 16:45 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Jan 2015

1/30/2015 1:12 – Facebook Post

1O:52 P.M. 29-1-8 1-29-8. 1-9 = 8 Harmony Infinity.. This was played out to such quiet Elegance today with my meeting David Philipe Gil. It was he who suggested we meet at The Bean 1st and 9th where oh, so quietly we played out the the alignment of out two perceptions and consciousness in Perfection of Harmony to infinity. 129-8. (2O 15 is 2O +15= 35..C.E..3+5=8..H) Which is today’s date 1st and 9th (The Bean which is representative of the […]

29 Jan 2015

1/29/2015 16:14 – Facebook Post

12:51 P.M. 29- 1-8… January 29th, 2O15 (2O+15=35=8) 1-29-8. A-BI-H BI-A.H. Bia means ‘Come” in OINRi Igbo. Bia Harmony or A BI H…or A BI (Meaning “Life or Living”) A Living Harmony. I have a new Facebook friend… Precy Arizechi… Welcome…to my sacred page where I have been finding myself linking and publicly providing evidence that not only is there an underlying Harmony in all things- proving that there is order in all aspects of the Universe Cosmos. But that […]

28 Jan 2015

1/28/2015 22:01 – Facebook Post

Tomorrow is the 29th. This was a share sent to me by Chris Krzysztof Solek… I too wrote extensively about this on Facebook last year… That the Spi Spirit Was only allowed to exist because it was manifesting the distorted and corrupted version of the Truth. Meaning that there are S.Pi (Called the E line) sitting in the Consciousness of every human being as well as in the Flesh Water Breath Everything which is you 2 in 1 you. Soul […]

28 Jan 2015

1/28/2015 16:16 – Facebook Post

2:14 P.M. 28-1-8… B.H-A.H. Beautiful Harmony A H!!!!! It is with great pleasure that I write this posts today because it aligns in perfection with what my understanding of B.H represents in this new Facebook Friend. Harmonious Being. This should make him my 243 Facebook Friend.. I knew who this persons was, and who he represented in this play. Literally the Consciousness which represented the true nature of humanity as the building blocks for Hue Manity. He was linked to […]

27 Jan 2015

1/27/2015 20:19 – Facebook Post

6:O7 P.M. A Pause to Reflect To Take Stock. Looking back at the sum total of these outpouring of weaving, linking and a Literal Cosmic Battle brought to the attention to the world… I wonder if I ever had a choice… Once in 1993 after returning from the light to this world, the discrepancy between that experience and feeling sensational was so acute that that consciousness as well as the physical reminder of it (the light blazing so alarmingly on […]

27 Jan 2015

1/27/2015 15:47 – Facebook Post

2:2O P.M. 27-1-8. B.G-A.H. Hello… A Pause to Reflect and Take Stock. Looking Back. This is what I know. I have been in movie, a simulation called life. Which even as a child, I was aware was not real life. I knew I came from somewhere else, and later found that I was not alone in that perception. Memory or even understanding. The difference being with most others is that despite my efforts to settle into this realm and carve […]

27 Jan 2015

1/27/2015 14:09 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Jan 2015

1/26/2015 10:23 – Facebook Post

Yup Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Jan 2015

1/25/2015 2:08 – Facebook Post

11:O3 P.M. 11:O5 P.M. Nnamdi Responds III…I C Cont’d. We had now walked to Balthazar, then to 78 Spring Street, all led by Carlito Giancarlo Thiago without him being remotely aware that this had been my daily route for over a month. We continued walking… I coffee in hand talking, Carlito feeling “Energized” to quote him. He looked a thousand times better. “Something just clicked” he said as I spoke about talking to not just him but a to a […]