

22 Feb 2015

2/22/2015 22:55 – Facebook Post

9:15 pm 22-2-8…(2O+15=35 CE=8 Infinity Harmony…) C-ode or G-ODE…. Numbers to letters… Time: I:O….(A E…Atomic Expression-Energy) Date: V-B.H. BB-B-H. 1 O One Perfect Sphere. Victorious Being Harmonious Beauteous BE-AM Being Harmony Infinity HI I have a New Facebook Friend. 26O is the correct number 26-8 B.F.O Best Friend Perfect Symmetry. . Welcome Lady Gabrielle C.Sinclair… Author of the Poem Infinity shared by Lady Birgit Stein… And from the Rainbow Heart of Gabe Brutal… Through Lord Orien Laplante… Welcome to this […]

21 Feb 2015

2/21/2015 15:08 – Facebook Post

12:33 pm. From Birgit Stein Please note the Time 12:33 am Now please note the poem. The two half’s… Two Cees which become One Please note the codes I have been weaving since Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna who is actually Nnaemeka Chinwuba Charles Ezeufonna… N CC E. Then recall the weaving which moved us to Alfie Ndubuisi Nze… “Lost way of Grace and Favor”and the Sacred passage way.. Represented by Lord Orien Laplante and Prince Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula… Moving and aligning […]

21 Feb 2015

2/21/2015 2:52 – Facebook Post

Nu Olokun… 1:51 am. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Feb 2015

2/20/2015 22:33 – Facebook Post

Don Diego… I remembered you in another form 9:3O pm I.C.O. Thee in the Begining as Royal.Elf in costume og the play… It will be affirmed. Grace ful brother of the Black Panther… His quiet rage Black Cat. B.C =DE Cool Cat = O C. 9:33 pm I.CC Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Feb 2015

2/20/2015 19:46 – Facebook Post

Alfie Ndubuisi Nze shared this.. Don Diego…:) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Feb 2015

2/20/2015 18:00 – Facebook Post

2:O6 P.M. 2O-2-8. T-B-H. Truth Be Harmony. Hello… Yesterday, I found myself writing on Lord James Kerr share of Obama Administration banning M855 ammunition. As usual, I was aware that something other than my own will is governing what and when I can state that which I already know. 2:45pm. Which aligns we my brother who existed as Nnamdi… April 5th…D E. O bum my youngest brother born May 2O… 52O. E T… And my sister 7:28…G:B H. In Sacred […]

19 Feb 2015

2/19/2015 22:53 – Facebook Post

From Siththy Ameena… E Manual Emannuel E Man Music And this is why I am Alexander the Defender of Man… True Man that is… For the Hurdles of Men are more Unseen And that of Woman are more Seen (and Heard) While Ladies…Class on thier own… Seen and Heard by the Ease the dance to the music of E man am e. 9:53 A.M. I.:C.E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Feb 2015

2/19/2015 18:13 – Facebook Post

Halls of Kings.. The Black Panther Is spoken about in great length while passing through the Halls mirrors only at the end to encounter a Boy Child called JAh Fire and the illusion of himself called Woman… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Feb 2015

2/19/2015 18:11 – Facebook Post

E.K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2015

2/18/2015 17:15 – Facebook Post

2:56 P.M 18-2-8… I have two new Facebook Friends… Welcome Lord Don Diego and lord Huzafia Gorgaje… Which according to my last count of Facebook Friends should make them my 257 and 258 Face Book friends. We have already established the code name of my brother in Don Diego as the code and riddle solved as Death as E-ND… Emeka Nnamdi David…E =5, N=14, D=4… As an illusion created by the Shadow of Fear of Consequences of expression Savage Viscious […]