

02 Mar 2015

3/2/2015 0:57 – Facebook Post

Portal True… 11:57 P.M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Mar 2015

3/2/2015 0:24 – Facebook Post

9-57 pm 1-3-8 Notice that code of the last post aligned to Mystie Karge post, 7-43 pm, 5:43 pm, 9:43 pm… Look at the time of the post….9-57 pm…Code 43. Sacred Portal 43 which represents the portal out of the Universal Simulation Awarness Matrix. U.S.A.M….U.E…L.C… And out into a new Era of Human Existence by a human Being, being able to prove through embodiment expression exemplified Explained Exactitly and Exquisitely to the Point… Perfect Timing… Blind Folded… To demonstrate the […]

01 Mar 2015

3/1/2015 18:18 – Facebook Post

3:17 A M. C.A.G..E 3:18… C:A H…E.. 1-3-8. Hello, I have a new Facebook Friend.. Welcome Lady Mystie Karge… 262 Facebook Friend…from my last count. Its snowing in New York City… Mystie means “Mists as in Dew… It is different from fog in that it has greater visibility and disperses moisture -condensced air, which comes from code air meeting warm air from the Earth which creates a layers called Ahtmosphere…Which covers the Earth in a protective layer… This would literally […]

01 Mar 2015

3/1/2015 16:00 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Feb 2015

2/28/2015 19:55 – Facebook Post

Cont’d. Sema “Divine Omen”. D.O…E…H G note. Energy. G.ODE. 261 is the correct number of Facebook Friends I should be at no matter if any one left the play. Shane Sema-Sheniy Froio… Shane Means “Gift from God or the Creator is Gracious-Gracefull-Grace incarnate…” Sema-Sheniy actual means second Heaven.. It speaks of the Gihon and the Human Espirit which contains everything, stars Planets universes everything is contained in this body in being… The Prince of the second Heaven is said to.be […]

28 Feb 2015

2/28/2015 4:06 – Facebook Post

12:53-4 AM. 28-2-8… L: E.C.D B.H-B-H. Le E CD…. Being Harmonious-Be Harmonious… I am kinda knackered. I have had a life in 15 years… And no break from this weaving before I came to Facebook nor since. To find oneself in such a position of weaving and proving a Consciousness into Being and Existence with an Unseen Consciousness while fighting literally activated Ghosts of humanities time on earth… Expression which filled the Existence of the “Space” of time, while proving […]

27 Feb 2015

2/27/2015 22:55 – Facebook Post

A.M. 9:54 pm 5+4=9 D+E=I. I A.M 9:55 pm I.E E.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Feb 2015

2/27/2015 22:53 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Feb 2015

2/27/2015 18:12 – Facebook Post

From Nadee Nakandela..NN.. 14+14,.28.. B.H. Being Harmonious… Yeah, we were not meant to “grow up” We were meant to Expand Stretch then Transform and Morph into the Beautiful Truth of Beautiful Youth. Enfants -Children -Etenal Youthful Expression… E-Y.E.C E Eye Cause Effect.. E…YE (Lord YE) C.E…(YE means Light in Chinese .. C is Speed of Light…Consciousnes E is Energy… Expression The Eternal Fountain Of Life… Time 5:11 PM 5=E K=11 E.K 5:12. E.L. Elohim Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Feb 2015

2/24/2015 0:41 – Facebook Post

1O:54 pm. 23-2-8. W.(B C)- B-H. Code of the equation 9… 18…A H….Authoring Harmony 47…D G….Divine Grace 2 3 1 Todays date 23th W U Vie .. 1 is A. Universe Double U Vie Aware. U.W.A. is the OINRI Igbo name for “World” And its Physical reprentation is EArth AHtom Tom means (Thomas Twins..2) E Art H AH-Tom World… E=A.W….E Harmony.. Nenad M. Djurdjevic (yr of birth 66) N.M.D… and Neel Akash.. N NAM D.. Nnaemeka Chinwuba Charles Ezeufonna NN…..14+14=28-1O…I… […]