

16 Mar 2015

3/16/2015 23:13 – Facebook Post

My Previous… The Ring of Power Or the Ring of Love Light Lightness Laughter Mischief Fun Adventures Exploration of Blue Open Space. Murder is the story of the Ring in the Human Saga… Cain and Able. Onu Ana Cecilia O A.C.. Nnamdi O Maggie N.O.M Emanual…Emmanuel Code Emmaline Mackenzie..E.M. Roland Akachukwu Emmanuel…R A.E. Sunshine Rae… I explained this code already… But let me state the True Story of the One Ring and the Precious Precy Arizechi… Praise Appreciation… Onu Means […]

15 Mar 2015

3/15/2015 23:05 – Facebook Post

8:43 pm Sacred Portal Harmony True Life. 5:28 Hertz. The Evolved Frequency of Existence for Human Being and E T.Hue Mans on the plane T. Called Planet Elo Hi E. H: D.C… Time :Harmonious Dionysus Christopher= Ana-Grace-Hannah- Zeina Hanna.. Code: H=D.C= A.G.H ..ZH. Numericals.. 8=4+3=1-7=8. 26-871=3-4=8… A circle at the 4th note FA H(618) and 616 FAF… Full Circle.. Locked F.A F.. Represented by David Philipe Gil… Gil means “JOY” Aligned with Emeka meaning “Well Done” Praise Apprection Value Expressed […]

15 Mar 2015

3/15/2015 18:01 – Facebook Post

2:43 p.m. 15-3-8. Happy Birthday…. Zeina Hannah… Happy Birthday. Today has great signififance, especially in the Riddle of Existence Equation, Matrix..Roman Novel….Universal Simulation I am solving. First of all according to the History Channel which my former host called my attention, he asked me to take note of when Hitler took over posession of the Spear of Destiny. 15 March 1938… Vienna. I went to Vienna and met two men on a Bridge in the strangest movie like set. It […]

15 Mar 2015

3/15/2015 15:10 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Mar 2015

3/14/2015 16:29 – Facebook Post

Ruler of the Land… Is The Pure Being. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Mar 2015

3/13/2015 18:45 – Facebook Post

We did this code last year… And it played out begining to 1O 3.14 Clark Narayana 3.14 15 (A E Atom Energy ) Full Circle O… Orien Laplante 92 Bergamo Italy.. ( Nenad M. Djurdjevic) 53… Emeka Chukwuemeka…. H Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Mar 2015

3/12/2015 21:37 – Facebook Post

8:5O pm From Orien Laplante… Obviously, I am living and reading from a total dimension of consciousness. Thus, outside of the norms of this consciousness and reality. 26 years I have been fighting to get a life here.. 25 since I began solving the codes of E Harmony… The Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension which all the species are to evolve to. I have thus, been reading a Script from that consciousness awareness and state of being… This post of […]

11 Mar 2015

3/11/2015 14:06 – Facebook Post

“yeh these kids will keep taking synthetics until nature is legalized, so enjoy watching your own kids rot of rancid isotopes i always say. Whats as usual is, society once again is 100% backward at the end of the historical cycle, here at the eschaton. natural living psychedelics are only journey progressive, synthetic non fractal non living rancid isotopes are just asking for bodily dysfunction and desynchronization from the barrage of a single chemical overload. in other words if the […]

10 Mar 2015

3/10/2015 19:41 – Facebook Post

5:52 PM. 11-3-8 3-11-8 Code in letter Time: E:E.B. K.C.H… C.K.H. Chukwuemeka Kolo Harmony C.K. 3-11…+x14…33…47…+x 11 28… My Birthday. 11:28. 39…C I… Gala XY 1O11 XO6 C.I. / Galaxy 11O1 6OX I C. The last is the name Nasa believes it named the largest Galaxy in the known universe. Trillions of light years away. I had proven after Dina Singhs Harmony posted that image as the equation I had to solve. From this Galaxy MW87M recorded by NASA bit […]

09 Mar 2015

3/9/2015 15:06 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here