

30 Mar 2015

3/30/2015 18:19 – Facebook Post

4:41 P.M. 3O-3-8 3-3O-8. Code Time: D:D A. Hello… I have a new Face Book friend. 282 according to the records of my last count. Welcome Lord Kevin G Gordon.. Kevin means “Attractive, Handsome or Beautiful Creation” G is the Code of G-Ode.. The merging of the 5th color rainbow color of Blue and the 1st as Red… But of course this depends on what view.. But they merge to create Indigo Violet… *I state that rather than the color […]

30 Mar 2015

3/30/2015 3:44 – Facebook Post

3:O3 A M. 3O-3-8.. 3-3O-8 C O C…K C -C.O-H C.O-C.H…I Hello… I have a New Facebook Friend. Facebook friend 281… B H A… Being Harmony Awareness (Alpha) A Harmonious Being. Welcome Ceta Lee PeterWow… Ceta means “Clear and Bright” in Indonesian… Creative Employment Training Awareness.. (Yes, this E manual guide when Emmanuel is no longer with you, only you with your understanding of the evolution of “Gode” which is the 1-5:1-7, ROY G B IV Rainbow colors as the […]

30 Mar 2015

3/30/2015 3:01 – Facebook Post

3:OO-1A.M. C…1. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Mar 2015

3/30/2015 2:58 – Facebook Post

Yes. What is manifesting within and outside… Rey lines Evolution Awakening… 2:58 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Mar 2015

3/30/2015 2:57 – Facebook Post

2:56 A M. Blue Black… Great Photo… 2:57.A M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Mar 2015

3/29/2015 5:26 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Mar 2015

3/29/2015 4:41 – Facebook Post

3:3O…A M. 3:39 A M. Since I am still working with time and Space.. Meaning that I am in Harmony with time and space, I can read the affirmation of my Natural Harmony to affirm each post and image as perfectly aligned.. Meaning that my Expression and Time are aligned… Meaning manifestation aligned to fact. So 3:3O which is the code Nnaemeka Jude Charles was used again by the Ancestors to expose the truth of what the forefathers did.. Of […]

29 Mar 2015

3/29/2015 0:21 – Facebook Post

11:58 P.M. K:E H… Kolo Emeka Harmony… *I can’t believe this play..! It made me translate and transform Everything front and Back. Manually!!! Alight as I had stated before the End Play is C.L… And I called attention to Charity Love C L as well as the Harmonious alignment in pervect timing of Christine Laplante…CL.. With the Moon -Witchss and Elephant Posts *recall that Christine is not my Facebook Friend, meaning it does not matter whether if you are my […]

27 Mar 2015

3/27/2015 19:34 – Facebook Post

What a Spectacular View… A Blue Room O.. Ege means The Aegean Sea – Garden of Paradise in Heaven. Mutaf comes from the Word Tawraf which is the Holy Pilgrimage to Mecca in which one circumvents the Kaaba- the Black Stone counter clockwise 7 times Rainbow Colors… 1-7… EG..E example of E which is the line of Evolve… 5th Dimension Consciousness. Cle-O Mehmet Ege.. CME.. MC-E… Every person in ones life is so important especially in this play of my […]

27 Mar 2015

3/27/2015 19:30 – Facebook Post

5:5O P.M. Today is Mma Adu birthday… 27-3…(he listed age 1O1..) It is also Melvin Erer birthday who has been a Face book friend since the age of 14… He just turned 17… Recall the Electrical Transformer in the Back of 268 building us the letter Q..not the number. Of course the code of the “Burning Building” “Burning Bush ” BB BB is the end of the Book and the Magic of Gammatra and the Universe as a Painting by […]