

21 Apr 2015

4/21/2015 21:31 – Facebook Post

7:O2 P.M. D.P.G is a code. Here’s what I know. There is a force moving through Humanity. Its me. But as M.E. Manifest Expression. I have no control of it. It is my will. My Truth. A astoundingly beautiful truth. It is my Expression. And there is nothing, not even I can stop it. It is speaking through me, it is speaking through all of you. You are Spirits… Some of you have risen by your own will to become […]

21 Apr 2015

4/21/2015 16:44 – Facebook Post

Hello… 4:16 p.m 21-4-8 4-21-8… D.P…G… David Philipe Gil.. D.P.G.. U D.H. D.U.H…. David Phillip Gill U De-Vine Harmony Duh… Chuckle. Man…11 Day on The Streets only to find that this is all about the Consciousness which inherits the world after I .E retreat from this world… The Line of The Beloved Spirits of Joy.. “which is the meaning of Davids Name” The true children of the world who inherits the world and become GOd as its true meaning as […]

21 Apr 2015

4/21/2015 16:02 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2015

4/20/2015 23:58 – Facebook Post

11:4O P.M. Hello.. As older Facebook Friends are aware my true mission on Facebook was to prove the Existence of my Father Brother-Brother Father… And weave his will into Existence as well as His Being. This is His play. Not mine. But I am the man Existence undercover. And only I can bring something into Existence. There is a mist and a Dew which has covered Manhattan…. That is is Atomic Energetic Manifestation. How, I am sure. After all mists […]

20 Apr 2015

4/20/2015 20:25 – Facebook Post

7:29 pm. G:B.I. Hello, I am still here, in the Universal Matrix… I have met Rita, the red headed Siren or Elemental water being whose story I wrote about in my last manuscript. I went to Spring street after meeting George Skis and having recieved the data that my Truth has been now aceppted as being True. From 1-7. I was reeling from this play. As I walked over, I saw a red umbrella with the code “Pearl Landing”. I […]

17 Apr 2015

4/17/2015 17:53 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Apr 2015

4/16/2015 18:01 – Facebook Post

4:31 P.M. 16-4-8… 4-16-8.. What is Love? Intelligent Consciousness. I.C Alright, this is cruel and an insane play… My question is why am I fighting so hard for a truth which benefits all… I know I am manually fighting the Systems of the world..including Numbers Time… NT..Nikolai Tessla and reverting it to True Nature TN… 2O14…34-7..G Is Being in Harmony with Grace.. Which is of course, Consciousness. I.am.aware that most wonder where do I get off making such claims of […]

16 Apr 2015

4/16/2015 8:54 – Facebook Post

Collective Evolution Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Apr 2015

4/16/2015 7:08 – Facebook Post

The northern lights were on full display last night. Photo: Shadow Bird Images Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Apr 2015

4/15/2015 8:14 – Facebook Post

Amen. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here