

06 May 2015

5/6/2015 16:30 – Facebook Post

Absolutely Aligned with the Equation of the First Contact with the beautiful ones the Serpent People -Sinuous Grace The Beautiful Ones First Contact.. The Spinal chords on the Ground which rises as a Co- Bra.. /Arb O.C. (Tree O..full circle ) Consciousnes… Rise.. The Reptile to Mamal to Human to Evolution E R M.H E.. Hue Man Beings H.B Room Harmony Heaven Earth = Harmonious Beings.. The Room is this world. Heaven Earth..united by the evolution of Humanity by being […]

06 May 2015

5/6/2015 0:32 – Facebook Post

Well Said. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 May 2015

5/4/2015 20:33 – Facebook Post

Look… Nenad posted his Intel on M as the doors at 5:4O p.m. Today is May 5th. I was at 54 3rd and 2nd…32,.. I responded to the 5:4O p.m post on the exact date without even being aware. Andrese Harris Burton posted her Phone May 4th which happens to have the Merkabah on it, at 5:45 pm…..with the numbers 555… Billy Hung posted from my manuscripts The Creation story code 54…which.we had both signed. Sacred portal 54 Mother and […]

04 May 2015

5/4/2015 16:37 – Facebook Post

2:45-6 A.M. 4-5-8 5-4-8. 2-45-46 Is code of the Energy formerly represented by my brother Nnamdi Obiekwe Kolo N.O.K… N is O.K…ascended to sacred portal 46..God. 4-5-8 I use the code 4th the 5th, which was his birthday to anchor who I am talking to. Recall he was born on Easter 1969, and passed on Easter 1982, meaning that he was in Harmony of the full Circle. This year Easter was on April 5th.. 33 years after he passed. 46 […]

04 May 2015

5/4/2015 0:29 – Facebook Post

Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. Resonance is the frequency at which an object vibrates most naturally. Everything has a resonant frequency, its own unique sound, whether we can hear it audibly or not. Through resonance, one vibrating body can set another body into motion. – Osunnike Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Apr 2015

4/25/2015 22:53 – Facebook Post

Liked by Fathi Miles Miles. F.M.M. 1O:53 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Apr 2015

4/25/2015 22:50 – Facebook Post

From Nadee Nakandala NN 14+14= 28.. 1O…x16 …7. 1.O+7= 8 Harmonious Inner then outter transformation Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Apr 2015

4/25/2015 17:03 – Facebook Post

From Fabian Verdejo. I.C…Touch Brings Colors 5:O3 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Apr 2015

4/23/2015 21:06 – Facebook Post

Ha… 8:58 p. See sacred portal 58…I am taken home on a Unicorn… But of course we have to translate it into code of Fantasy to this Actuality.. A Unicorn 9:OO pm A UN I.C..O R N A One I.C (I Consciousness) full Circle R (Robert 18- AH!! light) See the same way Naturally… That would be the Unicorn the Espirit Line rather than the Horses (Phillip) who represent the Spirits and the friends of Children of Man… So this […]

22 Apr 2015

4/22/2015 0:22 – Facebook Post

12:O5 P.M. Hmmm… I just saw Gabriel… You know the guy I met last night who asked me about the Nothingness.. I did not mention that at the very moment that he asked the question, he saw a flash in the sky and shouted out.. “Whoa did you see that?” I hadn’t. Well I just saw him now and he was staring at me strangely, I could make out why he was staring at me like that. Finally, as we […]