

09 May 2015

5/9/2015 20:13 – Facebook Post

The E Harmony 5-8.. X 4O… Or 40 Vedas as the blue print of Natures Laws Rik Vedas. Yesterday a much older man came to talk to me about the Rik.Vedas.. Or perhaps I.moved him… He spoke of Flight… My body. Then of Mastery of Natures Laws before flight.. Levitation. Natures Laws.. Of Physics (Physical) Versus Naturalnesses Laws..(BE..I-NG) 7:38.. This was the battle which I found myself drawn in by those code of 72 representing Universe as.perception… Mariashi composed the […]

09 May 2015

5/9/2015 18:09 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 May 2015

5/9/2015 17:28 – Facebook Post

The human being that lives on Earth and through understanding finishes the existence of his/her ego, opens his/her consciousness, which becomes diffused into the universe and in this way reaches the level of Great Understanding…. After that, the human consciousness arranges all accumulated information into the level of Cognition that is completed by Enlightenment. After this process the human being turns into an energetic being and leaves the physical universe. He/she enters the higher luminary world of positive energies where […]

09 May 2015

5/9/2015 14:47 – Facebook Post

A.H.. Nenad, I am about to meet Yonathan Yohannes… *I notice that I can no longer tag you, must be marvelous to be able to control who can access you or not, a luxury which is denied me in this play since all the codes, regrettably are contained in each of you… Well, I guess since it is my body and my experience and thus my Existence enduring this as the representative of the E, and the Hell beyond of […]

09 May 2015

5/9/2015 11:23 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 May 2015

5/8/2015 21:56 – Facebook Post

8:53-4 P.M. H:E.C…D. 78 (72) Spring Street. Affirmation XO. A quick update… As I left 13O Starbucks, my mind was reeling.. 13O Starbucks Fulton and Nassau… I had been led here months before by Giancarlo Thiago…Who led me (Or His Espirit ), The Bean 3rd and 2nd, then to The Bean 1st and 9th… And then to this Starbucks… 8:58 pm. Now, I had led myself there, by requiring to meet up with Yonathan Yohannes.. But today we had missed […]

08 May 2015

5/8/2015 14:58 – Facebook Post

2:OO P.M. 8-5-8 5-8-8 B.OO B O2 H.E..H E.H H… B Air.. He Harmonuy… Hello I have a New Facebook Friend. Jefferson Kelechi Ofonagoro.. J.K.O. /O.K.J.. Making him my 282 Facebook Friend code 282 is B.H.B.. Meaning Be Harmony Being in this code. The name Jefferson means “Peaceful Traveler” which invokes the Ancient OINRI NZE Priests who used to travel the Part of the World ritually bringing peace to disputing nations and communities and ritually cleansing the Earth of Abominations […]

07 May 2015

5/7/2015 21:41 – Facebook Post

The two E of I.E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 May 2015

5/7/2015 20:03 – Facebook Post

6:4O pm. 28O Facebook Friends. 28O. FF..(66). 2+8= 1O.. TEN. B+H= J (AO) 28 x…16..1+6=7 Letter G. (BH= BxH= P.G. as in D.P.G) 2(8) 8×8= 64… F.D. Food Drink Ethiopia Baltimore EB? 6+4= 1O..1 Circle..JAO 28O Facebook Friends…FF. B.H.O.F F…. Being Harmonious O-FF….? Yesterday in the garbage (Garb of Age is Garbage?) I found a poster framed.. Of James Dean Symbol of Youth and its rebellion in the 5O’s who died in a car accident at age 23-24., *I will […]

06 May 2015

5/6/2015 23:10 – Facebook Post

From Andrese Harris Burton Spot on. But I would expand the U.S as a Country to the Entire Human Existence having become a WEB instead of Universal Matrix Awareness…Of Existence Meaning the U S A..O E is really a University Of Evolution of Consciousness to C.. What is C..? C Span… 1O:28-9 p.m C is for Human consciousness to evolve to the speed of Light…. L=12 Letter. Add Awareness to Being.. A+B… * represented in this play by my former […]