

15 May 2015

5/15/2015 20:14 – Facebook Post

7:48… 7 is G 48 is Death. There is a Play which Billy Hung represents which had been going on for years. Each person I meet on Facebook and in life is in a play in which I am sent to help them come back to thier True Selves because they had become characters in a story, which was not real. And they felt by playing these characters that they were more powerful. The Truth is each persons True Nature […]

15 May 2015

5/15/2015 16:39 – Facebook Post

The Ennead. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 May 2015

5/15/2015 0:25 – Facebook Post

12:11 pm. 15-15-8. L.K….Look….Kolo… O-O-H 12:12… After linking today’s posts to its conclusion affitmed … Right to the last post… Response and public affirmation that you are all being used and to respond to me by the Unseen to a play stretching back 26-22 and especially the last 14 years… It would suggest that the E and the NNA and Emeka the man are Victorious over the past, the Dead and the Ancestors. The E have made thier expression known […]

14 May 2015

5/14/2015 23:17 – Facebook Post

1O:25 P.M. 14-5-8… As most of you must be aware by now, the Entire population of the planet are being moved by forces… In a Play which had been set up before this Universal Matrix began. You can see it on this page clearly on this Facebook play A play by the Story which went to Far and the original play of E, which had been designed for the Human Evolution to HUE Man Beings. I am sitting at the […]

14 May 2015

5/14/2015 17:59 – Facebook Post

5:O4 pm I have an “Unexpected” New Facebook Friend.. Nenad M. Djurdjevic… Nenad means ‘Unexpected ” in Serbian. M stands stand for Micheal, Meaning “Who is as God?” Djurdjevic comes from the Greek route of the world George which means “Farmer” The Unexpected…who is as God.. The Farmer, who plants the seed and and slays the Dragon… 68 is David, who showed me his “wingd ” and told me ” this will happen to you- though my process of physical […]

14 May 2015

5/14/2015 16:25 – Facebook Post

2:52 P.M. 14-5-8 8-14-8 B:EB. N-E.H. E-N-H.. E and N Harmony…EN Harmony In Harmony Emeka /Nnamdi (rep by Nenad)… Hello, I communicate with the Unseen realm and my youngee twin aspect I call Nnamdi or Nature via numbers which I then transform, by grounding and anchoring them to what happens around me in the “playing field” I transform them into Letters of the Alphabet, then meaning which form sentences… Which flow out of me through posts. Yesterdays post Dear Nenad […]

14 May 2015

5/14/2015 13:52 – Facebook Post

From Lydia Massei. The World is a Numbered Matrix. It is a Painting by Numbers It is a Story A Universal Matrix Awareness Memory. It is a Hologram. I have been proving this for 38 months. How it can be read How it Echoes. How it is download Programs created by the E line and the Program Creator. To help the Bio Nature of Humans evolve and link to E. Meaning Ethereal and Elemental Nature merge to 1E. To Harmony […]

13 May 2015

5/13/2015 21:50 – Facebook Post

8:O 5 pm. H: O E. Dear Nenad M.D and All. Today I have reached 285 Facebook Friends ending with Eva Marie. E.M./M.E. Angela Marie Alexander A.M.A Dawn Marie. D.M/M.D Alexandra Martin A.M. If you all might have noticed in this play I have found myself in for the last 26 years. A-Z. 22 Years since the journals were discovered V…5=E=Victor 14 in New York. N.. Naturals 38 Months on Facebook… C.H… Consciousness Harmony The people I have met, on […]

11 May 2015

5/11/2015 16:33 – Facebook Post

3:28 P.M. C.B.H… 11-5-8 5-11-8. K.E.H. E.K.H. C.B.H. ( Brian Cabral..C B-B C) Creator ( Consciousness) Harmony Emeka Kolo Harmony Hello.. The Akashic Records are within It all starts within and becomes expressed outside. Natural God (Grace) is within me. Since the passing of my physical Brother Nnamdi 33 years ago, and then declaring to my family that he was right here after the Funeral… Because I could smell the incense he had been laid to “rest” with. But just […]

10 May 2015

5/10/2015 11:39 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here