

25 May 2015

5/25/2015 20:49 – Facebook Post

8:36 p.m. Who IS Emeka Kolo…. I am about to walk away but I am “Moved” to ask this question which few have answered not even Nenad M. Djurdjevic… 8:38 pm. Excuse me for putting you on the spot Nenad but to move forward with the project you must answer that questions as must everyone else. You can remain neutral as the Swiss which Alexandra Martin just posted.. Nor do you have to respond Orien Lord, YE have ready responded […]

25 May 2015

5/25/2015 4:36 – Facebook Post

The Cosmic Ship Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 May 2015

5/23/2015 2:40 – Facebook Post

2:36 p.m. People Lie. And the same way the Beautiful Truth was warped from Fact to Fiction.. And now, back from Fiction to Fact is perhaps the only reason my Existence pushed me this far… Even to the Streets of New York to not only retrieve the Truth …with facts But also Evolution which brings about instant manifestation of the Truth. You lie? Then the Truth Replies Instant manifestation of Truth.. And consequences for lying to such a degree as […]

22 May 2015

5/22/2015 20:44 – Facebook Post

8:27 pm. Hello I would like to draw attention to both Ana Leonardo Caixas vision at 8:24 pm yesterday and the synchronicity of Nenad M. Djurdjevic Dream” in the afternoon. Ana Nenad…A N.. 1-14.. And the Completion of a 38 month play and 26 years of bringing my Twins the EE back from thier journeys from OE to NA/AN … Code Neel Akash Andrese Harris Burton Nadee Nakandala… ( Alfie Ndubuisi Nze+ Nenad) .. Heavens Earth…. HE..85..13…4..M.D. Now unified as […]

22 May 2015

5/22/2015 20:07 – Facebook Post

7:O1 P.M. 22 -5-8 5-22-8 G.O.A V.E.H E V.H. GO Africa (as the Alpha) Victor Emeka Harmony. At 1:O7 pm Ana Leonardo Caixas texted me after having not heard from her in weeks. I recieved it at 1:11pm. *please see Sacred portals 1O7 and 111.. Note that I noticed the time of this post is 7:O1pm 1:O7/7:O1…. Full Circle. She stated that she had an extraordinary vision of seeing the Number four in the Heavens and 28 stars…in three stages… […]

18 May 2015

5/18/2015 22:55 – Facebook Post

8:44 p.m 18-5-8 8-18-8 1+8=9-5-8 5-9-8 H.D.D… I.E.H. E.I.H Back at 287 Facebook friend! AH!!! The play is meant to stop there… But then why am I still here…? I have 1O USD in my wallet.. I said I would leave the play today, but even as I said it, last night I knew I would not… And could not understand why. What is wrong with me, haven’t you endured enough..? 8:5O P.M. What I had posted yesterday made me […]

18 May 2015

5/18/2015 7:56 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 May 2015

5/17/2015 22:39 – Facebook Post

1O:29 P.M. Cont’d. Return of The Prodigal Son. R.O.T…P.S. And so by not enacting out the story on clarity, NRI, began to go too Far… In both Male and Female form… From NRI to Ala…N.A. (For they were part E.T…Meaning the were Supernatural Beings) To Arthur Morgana..A.M. In every place thier aspects moved they became more as God. Guarding the knowledge more and more to.themselves as parents who guard certain knowledge from.thier children. Was it intentional.. No.. But it began […]

17 May 2015

5/17/2015 21:28 – Facebook Post

Whoa… 8:34 P.M. 17-5-8 Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Nadee Nakandala I would like to address the Post to you both because of what you represent in this play. The play is Victorious it was from the moment I began posting… Linking and weaving… The E line are Victorious proven in this play that my family that some people dare to mock ” Where are they” are all undercover in Humanity where Nature locked them with and outside of the play […]

16 May 2015

5/16/2015 6:35 – Facebook Post

And they are d brainwashed religionists…lmfao Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here