

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 4:55 – Facebook Post

3:5O p.m. 4-6-8 6-4-8 A cab with the number 64 is parked right in front of me, I have 46 cents in my pocket. I took a walk and found a full pack of Natural American Spirits. N.A S.. Nnamdi Aaron Swartz… N.A.S.. Alpha Supreme..Awareness Supreme. Sacred Portal 121.., Have been seeing American Indians images everywhere who are of the “Black American Spirit but that was the physical story. There is an evolved Energetic Story of the American Spirit which […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 1:00 – Facebook Post

12:OO p.m Evolution of Consciousness is Harmony. I just finished a play with someone whose Mother was concerned about her child “Hanging out” with some one much older because this person was taking “medicine” more so because of thier brilliance. I reassured her, and she was reassured. But I was shaken to the very core. I was 23 when I began this work on documenying Harmony and my life stopped. At 26 I was “taken to see the Light” And […]

03 Jun 2015

6/3/2015 12:07 – Facebook Post

1O:39 A.M. 3-6-8. J (AO) C.I. C-F-H. Whew.. !! Hello… Nature Morte. Man… Will this moving through endless expression just finished. 39 months and 22 years of travelling through Death and Nature and believe me I am knackered. Dominic Temp told me to watch out for last night and something did Manifest, I saw and experienced something which I felt had no right to Exist. But it proved that it did. But there is a limit of how far I […]

03 Jun 2015

6/3/2015 0:56 – Facebook Post

12:O3 pm. Is there evil in the E Creators Truth… No. But I am here to testify that in this world story there is Deception Selfishness so supreme that it had the power given to it by humanity who do nothing but Decieve and whose selfishness will move them to enact actions and expression so draw droppingly self centered… Willing to go so far if not stopped that the term evil appears lame. It is not love or Truth that […]

02 Jun 2015

6/2/2015 19:34 – Facebook Post

From Orobello Agata The Ability to Chill… Is the sign of the Kings and Queens.. Aka Self Confidence Beautiful Pride Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jun 2015

6/1/2015 21:07 – Facebook Post

8:14 P.M. DEVIL -LIVED. Versus The Beautiful Devil… Liver Deliverer Cleanser Eternal Truth..E T Eternal Life. Dante Okwu Mmuo (Hell Fire of the Spirit World of rage) D O… Machiavelli.. I.N. I.C D.O M…IN..IC. Dominic Temp… Arrived just in Time. It is 8:2O pm as I write once more in perfect Harmony or aligned with Time Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka… O.J.A. O.I..N 8:21..H.U..MAN…Spirits. E.M.A….that was the arrival yesterday in literal order of a people equation which formed I […]

30 May 2015

5/30/2015 16:03 – Facebook Post

1.39 P.M. 3O-5-8 5-8-3O. A:C I CO-E-H E-CO-H 75 Av. 113 St 72 RD. 61-72 4W… The False God. “I incarnated the false God of ultimate personification of Death..you saved me Emeka and your writing. I took off all the masks and am now content to be myself…George” George Phillip ROC. GOD P.R. He wasn’t not joking, he was spot on. He had just turned 23. “I was told to wait at the Bean until 12:O1A.M.” Nnamdi G.OD had told […]

29 May 2015

5/29/2015 17:25 – Facebook Post

4:46 P.M. D D.F… OF.. Full Circle Fact. Dominic Temp D.T….D.OT.. Erike Eneke ToDD To D- David TobM-Micheal To A, To M.D A…..To Q.A .To AHHHH!!!! The name Dominic means “Of The Lord” Or Lord.. The name Alfie Ndubuisi Nze Eziefule (A.N.N.E..Meaning Grace Favor G F.76 calls me ) Temp means ‘Time” in French Temperature is Tims.. Lord of Time. This is the I.D given to me by 294 Response from 492…D.I… Nnamdi.. DI.B.IA…. Yes he is speaking to me […]

28 May 2015

5/28/2015 19:00 – Facebook Post

6:O4 p.m. I slept one more night in the Train.. Pls see the post I wrote on Neel Akash share.. My holding out from going to a Shelter.. Which ends the play and film as Denied.. Brings a terrible consequence which the Unseen all know. I am out here for you not me… Why I keep staying one more day is because the implications if I go… 6:O7-8 pm. 67 is Sacred portal “How far will you go for Love.. […]

28 May 2015

5/28/2015 0:05 – Facebook Post

1O:45 p.m Magician Mystery Science Symmetry OSS. O8…. MM…26…SS..8 A.N.A….The Earth…L A..N.D.. Ana Leonardo Caixas Nenad M. Djurdjevic Alfie Ndubuisi Nze Orobello Agata Emmanuel E Manual. N.Z E… Alfie Ndubuisi NZE Ezuefule A.N.N.E.. Meaning Grace And Favor. G.F.. 76… Sacred Portal 76 “The Awakening” E..N.N.A. Emeka Father (NNA means Father in ONRI Igbo) E.F..56. E.A.M Dawn M. E A.M.A.E Eke Ori Nkwo Afo…..E.O.N.A Afo Nkwo Orie Eke…A.N.O E Four market weeks in NRI. 4-7…+x 11 28…39..C.I Chukwuemeka I. Creator of […]