

28 Jun 2015

6/28/2015 14:30 – Facebook Post

2:21 pm 28-5-8 6-28-8 E Code Time:.(E.C T)….B U. Being U… E Code Date..Being Harmonious 6rh Sense in Harmony… Sixth Sense Being Harmonious Harmony Jonn Blackwell Donna O’Sullivan.. JO..1OO…1O-15. NN..14-14=28 1OO.. 1O 15 (A E Alpha Expression) 28( B.H Being Harmonious) Last Hawk Eye. Lady H.E. I am about to meet Jonn now Bedford and 7th Street. All day I have recieved affirmation of the relevance of this meeting and 8 3..H and C affirmation from Donna. Finally is the […]

28 Jun 2015

6/28/2015 8:39 – Facebook Post

7:45 A.M. 28-6-8… 6-28-8. RAVEL…UNRAVEL. To Confuse and to Untangle a knot. A word which means both at the same time. Which Story are you in…? There is only one Story… And this story replies and affirms… No one can tell you which is the correct story because it reveals itself to each Individual through thier Individual experience of thier Life’s. It provides anchors in this reality which moves you to its path. I am called the Path Finder in […]

26 Jun 2015

6/26/2015 20:18 – Facebook Post

From Donna O’Sullivan… 8:17 P.M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Jun 2015

6/23/2015 17:21 – Facebook Post

3:32 pm C:C.B. A.M.E Emmanuel Church. North Carolina N.C…E Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna N C E. Nnaemeka Jude Charles Meaning of his name. “Father of Emeka (Nnamdi) praise the Freeman.. I am off Free Man Street McGuiness Av. Iri-Sh. Iri means TEN in NRI Igbo… S is letter 19…1O…IRI. H is 8. 1O8..end of the flower of life. My bed mate at the Shelter is an Irish man.. His bed number is 5O. He spoke of going to stay with a […]

23 Jun 2015

6/23/2015 12:28 – Facebook Post

11:57 pm 23-6-8… Yes.. Robert Pasquine Mzena… And you are absolutely right David Philipe Gil, I do Need anything from anyone. Because as that all Seeing Eye of Rah which Nenad recounted seeing pointing at an Icon of Seven Angels in Silver (as in my silver Laptop with you David and the other one which contains my Family of E) with the words Emmanuel underneath it, which at the precise time an eye of Rah on a woman’s T shirt […]

12 Jun 2015

6/12/2015 16:46 – Facebook Post

2:54 pm The Rose. Uzay Space U.S. U ZA Y S.P Sacred Portal A. Awareness C.E…Creator Of Great Deals. I found a Rose on the way to the Intake Center. I.C. E Rose.. I carried it with me through out the process Knowing C I…(Intake Center.I.C…Galaxy 1O11 6O X I.C/ C I.X O6 1O 11- 21 3..111- 3 1..U.C- C (Cc-O) the perfection of Awareness of All Being One).. 3:OO pm. That at Anung Sang A S The Intials of […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 18:28 – Facebook Post

Hmm… Hi… No I am done… But a literal voice said check… The Number 3 was everywhere today and now we are back at 299… I know what means Being I and I… B.I.I In ONri Igbo “BI”Lives I… Just saw a sign in red on a “Yes Equality!” But based on the codes it literally means Zeina Hanna.. no more numbers 268… simply Beauty is the Gift of Grace of the Creator.. I have a day…Free but not quite […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 17:40 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander 5;39 pm… E; C.I… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 11:16 – Facebook Post

1O:35 pm IT WORKS!!!!!! It is done and activated Consciousness E Beings Harmony! Ha! 347 517 72-53..8-9….H.I! C.D.G…E.Q…HI! See sacred portal 121…Nnamdi talking to me was played out just a moment ago. I was wondering “What Now” exhausted with 46 cents in my pocket. 64/46 Had been up all night, first time I could not get rest but nourishment was provided.. Waddled to a few places then finally Nikoma came to my.mind. He represented Nnamdi/Booms in the play and shares […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 6:36 – Facebook Post

6:O3 A.M. This will be brief. 26 yrs since leaving Nigeria, (yes 26 yrs is the code as well as 26-8) -Meaning that this has been about Africa and Uwa the Nri, as well as the E I have reached the end of thier play and the begining of mine I stated that the 3OOth Facebook Friend would be me… Laker Brenda (*excuse me for tagging you so often) Means the Stream the pool (lake) and “The Work” And Brenda […]