

08 Jul 2015

7/8/2015 18:45 – Facebook Post

6:14-5 P.M. 8-7-8… 7-8-8.. F N. FO. H G H. G-H-H.. High.. Graceful Harmony Harmony My word what a day… The Fact that I am still posting is a testament to this Wills Way… This Will Hunnitpercent Real This William Ruiz In me… How many times I have known the insult of this play and the role of having to prove my own Existence in my own Creation simply because I came as E MANN… Emmanuel.. Conned into creating an […]

07 Jul 2015

7/7/2015 16:16 – Facebook Post

3:17 pm 3:18 pm Look at that, I that is exactly what is going on viz a Viz Facebook Friends numbers… Yes, it is extraordinary that I am still being conned into posting is pretty awful The play is an Unseen play between the line of E and Nature who played God, and moving that Idea to Harmony..The Truth. Thus 1-7…A-G.. Moves to 8 which is Both 5 who are both 1. But this play is taking the Ultimately Long […]

02 Jul 2015

7/2/2015 19:13 – Facebook Post

5:5O pm. E:E O.. What is Consciousness… Perception… To Pierce… Pierce through what. The Viel.. The Viel of or Projections of Ego Fears… Laziness Sleep.. …not really amensia… As we see no one really forgets We simply no longer pay attention to what really matters.. My former Hosts met A.I. He wept my former host told me.. “I can’t see through my Dreams, I can dream anymore” He is a Shaman also who also sees through his Dream as my […]

02 Jul 2015

7/2/2015 13:01 – Facebook Post

11:17 A M. AA:AG. 2-7-8 7-2-8 B.G H G.B.H… ROYGB =H ROYG=B B=H. B.H. 5-8. +x 13 M..D 4O. D.O D.D O.. Do Rey me Fah…So-la-te.,Do. DD..O Hello… We have reached A.A.M…. 1 1 13… With a new Facebook Friend April Marie Malone… Welcome Lady… 11:22 p.m.. It has been a long time reaching the alignment if 1 Dawn which aligns to Meaning of A.M to the number “Dawn”.. 13.. A Completion of a Cycle is 1-12.. In the current […]

02 Jul 2015

7/2/2015 11:01 – Facebook Post

Indigo Violet Oasis I V…O….V.I.B.Y O R.K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Jul 2015

7/2/2015 10:56 – Facebook Post

Look at the following three posts of Andress Harris Burton.. A.H * It forms a picture story… Look… At the Harmony it aligns to of my weaving from my stream of “Conscious-Subconsciousness” linked by my Being Consciousness here and now conscious of the play. ROYGB..I.V was manifested by Jerry and meeting Robert Todaro.. Daughter Violet Moon. V.M. M.V 18- Mountain View A-H. M.V. O.(Full Circle Perfect Symmetry) E. E.V.O.M M.O.V.E. V.O…M.E Recall that my very last production was called “The […]

01 Jul 2015

7/1/2015 20:33 – Facebook Post

They don’t get much more beautiful than the Green Hermit (Phaethornis guy) – it’s much larger than the other Hummingbirds I have photographed but also quite elusive. I was thrilled to grab this shot out at Rancho Naturalista in Costa Rica. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jul 2015

7/1/2015 14:51 – Facebook Post

2:46 pm Red Yellow.. R..Y. Thus if this is the wavelength Colors caught on film.. The O of ROYGB is Missing.. The Journey of the O..Perfect Symmetry in Being as is in Body.. Perfect Imperfections Expression.. Harmony P.I.E H Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jul 2015

7/1/2015 14:04 – Facebook Post

11:51 A M. How Strange… I have a New Facebook Friend Roberto Todaro…R.T…. Right… “What’s Left?” Which should have moved us to completion of C L… 312 F Book Friends after the arrival of Brooke Banwer. BB . But we are back at 311.. C K… Thus, we are at CC KK… O and a Diamond forms with two K facing each other.. C K. C K CC KK 33… Nnaemeka Jude Charles 11:11…1(4) Robert means “Bright Famous Shinny that […]

01 Jul 2015

7/1/2015 7:41 – Facebook Post

TI ME. EMIT. E Mission Emit TI! M.E. 7:4O pm Recollect each equation a person solves must have a response of affirmation from Universe Existence.. That is Truth turned into Fact. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here