

13 Jul 2015

7/13/2015 20:00 – Facebook Post

Via Brooke Banwer.. Come on its a riddle… A-E… 15..Letter O 51 Rose Well 5+1= 6 Sixth sense .. 6=F.. 33…CC.. 2Cees Dream and Awake Merge to O.. Perfect Symmetry Dream and Awake Atom Energy .. Cain Able… C A…31…. Conscious Awareness but no B.. Being Body! 13 is M. Also Seth… Cain Consciousness was murdered and went to the land of NOD.. DON.. Don Means “The Dark stranger… Death” DO N is Do Nature the Nothingness. . No D…No […]

13 Jul 2015

7/13/2015 14:41 – Facebook Post

1:O1 pm. 13-7-8….(4-7-8) 7-13-8..(7-4-8) Kierkegaard “Europe is on the Road to Bankruptcy” Kierkegaard refuted Hegel’s World Spirit for not taking in the perspective of the Individual. I did not come to New York to suffer, nor did I live this life in New York in the 21st Century, nor go to a Shelter because of Need. I went to these venues because it is where the path and trail of the thread of the equation, riddle and story…And my literal […]

13 Jul 2015

7/13/2015 12:51 – Facebook Post

From Brooke B Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Jul 2015

7/12/2015 20:10 – Facebook Post

6:48 p.m. 12-7-8… 7-12-8… My home Dimension is Cloud 9. I just got back from 9th Street. I went there at first with my former hosts at 268 to buy a toy at a Dinosaur toy store for Zoey. The Daughter of a pure Native American called Life. Then went again to honor the young Jenisia who asked me to come to 9th Street to meet a friend of hers named Andrew. Andrew means “Brave” as in Land of the […]

12 Jul 2015

7/12/2015 15:44 – Facebook Post

And 5 Full Circles.. Kaballah + 5 P.Symmetry… 5 O… EO.. K.E.O… O.E.K. Dream weaver Five Full Circle (Core and outter Structure) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Jul 2015

7/11/2015 19:15 – Facebook Post

5:22 pm. Age of Enlightenment, Renaissance, Romantics Beat Poets..Hippies. AO..E..RR..O B.P…H Orobello Agata Agathe Loute… Royal Reign. R=18+18..36…36O…3+6=9.. C+F=I. Conscious + Fact=I. O.I. N.T. B.P… Beautiful Pride Ah Sophia A S. Wisdom.. Is a Child called Harmony. Daughter of a Lady Donna O’Sullivan And Gentleman Jonn Blackwell A.M… I have had non stop affirmations that the play at the Shelter is complete. For 14 years. 26 years almost I have been following the trail of which has been a series […]

10 Jul 2015

7/10/2015 19:52 – Facebook Post

Transformation To Grace The Story of Humanities Evolution. To Hue Manity H.U.E. Harmonious Universal Existence MA.N.N.. I.T.. Y.. Yonathan Meaning Grace. 7:52 P.M Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jul 2015

7/9/2015 20:57 – Facebook Post

8:25 P.M. H:B.E. Harmony B.E. Which means that the Harmony I have been demonstrating of my perfect timing.. And Instinct… Time and Space . And Finally Depth…The Pit of Forgetting… “Concern about Shelter-Rent” And lastly..Expansion of my point. And the response of perfect timing would be contained in the perfection of timming I post, the perfect time but in the most natural manner.. Whose name meaning and Facebook Friend number all uniting to respond to an on going story.. Such […]

09 Jul 2015

7/9/2015 14:48 – Facebook Post

2:32 p.m My Word…! Hello… I have just been in a marvelous marathon of linking with Wills Way.. Eye to Eye.. I to I. Which is the way of this play.. Passing through each persons portal. We completed at Twin. Which aligns to the 5 Dollar Bill given to me yesterday with two 99 written on it… Serial number JH 24 74 35 72..A. H8. BD (X) GD (God..*See Michael O’Donnell) 35 CE (Bed 53/35 Kieth) 72.. See Sacred portal […]

09 Jul 2015

7/9/2015 11:44 – Facebook Post

1O:39. TEN C.I. 9-7-8 7-9-8 Hello I am posting because incredible there is more unravelling to do. *The Unravelling is literal, Meaning the muscles in my body are unravelling, and with Air Breath pushing and recountering the interior of my body which is Ascension but in the most torturous way… So slowly, that I manually feeling every release with each post and riddle transmitted, noted, decoded, set up, recognized then played out then posted… Then affirmed outside of me through […]