

08 Aug 2015

8/8/2015 13:10 – Facebook Post

From Catina V.Elliot. 1:O 8 pm 1O8. J.H… Code of Moon Mars…. MM…26…8. 27-8-8… 28-8-8 Today 8-8-8 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Aug 2015

8/8/2015 9:57 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Aug 2015

8/7/2015 15:50 – Facebook Post

2:45 P.M 7-8-8 8-7-8 Hello.. I do believe I was just tested. I found myself posting the 66-67 posts as if moved by a will of its own .. I could not stop until…well, I just stopped. I just counted them after going back to read the story and statement I knew my Greater Will, (Big E..B.E) was Communicating… The number 66-7…which are both codes for my “physical” year of Birth… I will share the Portal 66…but 67 which is […]

05 Aug 2015

8/5/2015 10:01 – Facebook Post

9:33 A.M 5-8-8 8-5-8 Happy Birthday Lord Jonn Blackwell! Code Time: I.C.C….I.O…. Date E Harmony Harmony Harmony Expressed Harmoniously. What are the chances that Jonn Blackwell would be born on the exact date of the code E.H…H.E called the Fifth Dimension Harmony which is the First Dimension 5-1… A code and the basis of the Art and Science, which I have found myself being brought into this world to prove into Existence by weaving non stop the Truth of Everything […]

04 Aug 2015

8/4/2015 15:29 – Facebook Post

Lady in Blue. Color of the character in my Creation Story Espirit E… Code name “Awareness Being Consciousness D’art of Harmony. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Aug 2015

8/2/2015 23:50 – Facebook Post

1O:41 P.M Response from Universe Echo Existence or the E Line to my last post, in which I asked if I got the last equation M.D.J…E… Correct. “Who is as God My Lady?” Response “The Graceful Creator, The Creators Grace..God’s Grace” S.H.E replied. I had stated that in my last post that I am in a private play with the E Line, and have been conversing with them through all of you, in an openly secret play for those who […]

02 Aug 2015

8/2/2015 17:53 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell Exquisite… The Portal Opens first from within Solar Plexus. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Aug 2015

8/2/2015 17:40 – Facebook Post

From.Donna O Sullivan Harmony arrives on a Swan in my version of Creators Story. . She arrives as the symbol of Gracefully Transformation Jonn.. G.T.I… M.D.F… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Aug 2015

8/2/2015 13:38 – Facebook Post

1O:22-3 A.M. 2-8-8 8-2-8 Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend. Hello John Obi My 334 Facebook Friend 334 is C C.D. See C.D. John we already know means “The Grace of the Creator” And the name “Obi” means Heart” Thus C C.D….see the C.D of the Grace of the Creator is the Heart. Time 1O:22-23 pm J.V…Double VV Date B.H.H… H.B H… Thus, See the C.D of the Creator is the Grace of the Heart (Beat Poets) in Balance […]

01 Aug 2015

8/1/2015 11:48 – Facebook Post

11:O2 A.M. 1-8-8 8-1-8 K:O.B/B.O.K. A.H-H! H-A-H…! Hello.. I have a New Facebook Friend. Hello and Welcome Valerie Freeman…to what can be described as the last scene of a play of what can be called First Contact and “Enterprise” Evolution Awakening… F.C ..E A.E. As you might percieve by my rather bold assertion that I am not seeking to convince anyone about what I am experiencing, witnessing and doing… Why bother? The world is so full of Charlatans, people making […]