

31 Aug 2015

8/31/2015 13:56 – Facebook Post

12:O8 pm 31-8-8 8-31-8 Hello I have a new Facebook Friend.. Welcome dear Thomas J Brock… T.J.B… Thomas means “Twin” Brock means “Brooke a stream of Water”.. Also it means ” Ancient Iron Tower” And “Badger”… Badger as the animal rather than to badger someone. Thus, The Twin J.B…( Jonn Blackwell Julian Brown J.B line) Brooke…-Twins balance of the Stream of Consciousness… Female represented by Brooke Elizabeth Erler…B.E.E. Brooke Elizabeth Banwer…B.E.B.. Elizabeth Palacio is the name of Jonns mother.. Elizabeth […]

31 Aug 2015

8/31/2015 12:04 – Facebook Post

The Matrix and the Buddha… Nirvana O Matrix N.O.M. Find your True Nature and the Matrix dissolves. Nirvana become a place beyond the oneness of the Nothingness By understanding the Perfect Symmetry of the play Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Aug 2015

8/27/2015 14:29 – Facebook Post

11:38 am 27-8-8 8-27-8 Hello… This will be brief… I woke up to one Facebook request and 1 message and 21 likes.. A A..U… I saw the name of the Facebook request was Memely Bebz… M.B. Recall the code play of M.B… Manifest Being Manifest Being means Universe Exist affirming the play of who Manifested Being.. Manifested Existence Being. And what is the meaning of Being.. Which I have proven is Harmony.. And that a Consciousness Called Expression Harmonious E.H. […]

26 Aug 2015

8/26/2015 18:29 – Facebook Post

6:28 pm. Home is Family.. Love. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Aug 2015

8/26/2015 18:26 – Facebook Post

6:25 P.M Going Home to E Heaven.. The Palace.. Aka The Crib.. Original Home. O.H Orgasm.. Heaven… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Aug 2015

8/26/2015 13:53 – Facebook Post

12:16 pm. L.P. Love Planet. Gaius-Gaiah… 26-8-8… 8-26-8 Z-H-H H.B.F.H. Harmonies Best Friend is Harmony… Hello… I woke up to two new Facebook Friends requests and a message from Jonn Blackwell that on his way to work at 54 S.Mountain RD, that he saw an image of me as Gaiah- as a Tree, a great tall tree with roots and vines bringing renewal… *I will let him describe what he saw if he chooses to share. Jonn has been seeing […]

25 Aug 2015

8/25/2015 21:27 – Facebook Post

From Michael O Donnell… How do I know that this is Fact and that Lord Michael O Donnell is in perfect Harmony in this Human Consciousness.,,? codes… established codes (and my knowing of course that I am weaving and solving this Fact into Existence Awareness right under your very noses…) T.M…Terence McKenna… Agape Satori..A.S,… Tom Marina Alberto Santana… meaning :Twin Marinas Noble Bright and intelligent… Self Aware..( jonn donna) M,A,S,T.. T..S A M ST..A.M Terre ( Earth Land Anna Body) […]

25 Aug 2015

8/25/2015 20:45 – Facebook Post

Meaning of the name Tasha Hevens… Christ Conscious Light of the Heavens.. “Birthday of the Lord E Heavens…were born” Linked to a source beyond… 8:45 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Aug 2015

8/25/2015 20:42 – Facebook Post

8:42 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Aug 2015

8/25/2015 19:13 – Facebook Post

From Brooke Banwer Via Cadyn 7:O8 pm 78 Sacred Portal Pearls Comming out of their Shells. P.C…OO…T.ruth S up RE- Me Do Re Me… 123 Ah Be CE!!!! JOY CE…C O X..C.O 1O..24..34..C.D. Cadyn comes from the word “Cadence ” The Rhythmic flow of Sound.. The T ID ES . Prince of Tides. POT.. Pot opens the Third eye.. Jonn Charles E Blackwells… Chair of the Judge. J.C E.B. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here