

23 Sep 2015

9/23/2015 13:44 – Facebook Post

Mind as Being..Sonar Radar…Echo Response Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Sep 2015

9/23/2015 13:35 – Facebook Post

A new Beat… Here here! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Sep 2015

9/22/2015 16:19 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 29… Carried away from the Battle Field of Illusions by the arrival of the Valkyrie to the Halls of V-A.L.-H-All A.H Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Sep 2015

9/22/2015 14:22 – Facebook Post

From Donna O’Sullivan..via Anna Molotov Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Sep 2015

9/22/2015 14:20 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Sep 2015

9/22/2015 13:15 – Facebook Post

1:15 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Sep 2015

9/22/2015 0:31 – Facebook Post

From Orien Laplante All from Nothing to a Dot appearing, then a Line then a Triangle and Infinity… . O A.B C….Infinity.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Sep 2015

9/21/2015 22:50 – Facebook Post

1O;OO PM.. CONTD…Dracula… Dracula means Sons of the Dragon.. Dragos Gheorghe…D.G..47.. Despite an effort made to make it Spawn of the Devil… The prince did not wish to sacrifice his son, but as his father had done before him, it was to save the people.. And so he complied but at the last minute, seeing his sons aceptance, his wifes protest and the arrogance of the Turks, he refused. knowing that his people and those who demanded that he sacrifice […]

21 Sep 2015

9/21/2015 21:59 – Facebook Post

6:O5 pm… F.O.E.. E..OF… 21-9-8 9-21-8 I-U-H… I Universal Harmony.. Hello.. By Jove (Chuckle..:)..) Jupiter Ascending…J.A…1O1..11..A.A.. Jupiter”s Rising… J.R…1O8…18..A.H A.A.A.H!!!! @ 18 Mountain View… I have a new Facebook friend….3-78… *Nasa classification of Milky Way Galaxy MW87… Which is the code on the wall inside the bathroom at Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan.. Doctor Brenner Soap poster given to Jonn as a gift by Doctor Bronners grandson… message obviously keep clean.. message from Brian Eno..”Stay in Light” *See the play […]

21 Sep 2015

9/21/2015 0:21 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here