

29 Sep 2015

9/29/2015 10:40 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Sep 2015

9/28/2015 23:09 – Facebook Post

From Catina V. Elliott… Here we are… picture perfect.. C.V.E. C.V-I.E…E..Existence IS Evolution of Being… Which is Universe…YOU.. The beings of B-Eau..Water Transparency, Source reflections becoming Hue man Being… 11;O7 pm… No Ahs Ark saying, “Yes Ah U, Ah Yes Hues Ah Christ… Yes-hu-ah Man Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Sep 2015

9/26/2015 19:20 – Facebook Post

4:56 PM. D.E.F….Definition Of Existence…BE (Natural) and through a process of refinement of Hindsight, aligned to Fore sight, centered in the Present sight, you will See…the Perfect Symmetry of Everything.. Suddenly Everything is well defined, because as a lens, you have adjusted your focus… E t Voila you have reached H.D… It is all about Clarity Focus…C.F.I. 26-9-8 9-26-8 I-Z-H. I A-Z…Harmony… Zeina Hanna Z.H… I.Z.H…. I Beauty the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator… I have two […]

24 Sep 2015

9/24/2015 19:05 – Facebook Post

From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer.. A.O..TA-L.E; O.E…C.O TA Theta Alpha means 8-1… Code Alpha Omega Theta Alpha, Loves Expression Oh,( Perfect Symmetry Full Circle, E…Consciousness Filled Circle… The Two Full Circles? Being=Expression Energy, E art Harmony linked Earth… Through Harmoniously Expression B.E.E… T.H.E…. Orgasm Oh and the release Ah… The Chosen One… T.C.O I liked the words of this song.. Thank you..B Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Sep 2015

9/24/2015 18:53 – Facebook Post

A Le-NT..I.C.U.La! R (R=18 letter A.H) Cloud (Nebula) and the MW87 over MT Rain-er. .(Wasn’t he the Prince Charming who married Princess Grace of MonEcho…Monaco?) Washington State…(The 42nd State in the Union 1889..A.H….H.I…Birth of Adolph Hitler AH) Also the years I began this 26 year Talking to the Silence and consciously going under cover walkig through the MW78/87-“Momentum”. .*See the HitcHikers Guide to the Galaxy..Meaning of Existence… Washington D.C (District Columbia…D.C..34 Donna Ceclia…Lady 6… District of the plotted as the […]

24 Sep 2015

9/24/2015 17:09 – Facebook Post

From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer To H..A.M..LE..T..The Harmonious A.M (Awakening Manifest) the Truth.. 31…3 Over 1..3 in 1..C.A..Conscience Aware Will-I-A.M Shakes- P.Ear… Shakes the Planets- Ear…T.H=E.. True Harmonious Existence is not the fear of the unknown, Nor does, the heart as Conscience makes Cowards of us all, Rather it is from that being Conscience, enables us to discern life is a puzzle which exists beyond the mere stories of Colors , which you stated creates the 7 stages of a Mans […]

24 Sep 2015

9/24/2015 16:28 – Facebook Post

12:45 pm. 24-9-8 9-24-8…. I-X-H.. IX..H… Nine is Harmony.. Jupiter Descending.. J.D… Jonn (Huan) Evans Blackwell, Donna O’Sullivan J.D… H.D… Hi Definition… H.E..B..D.S… Hello, I will try to keep this brief (though I make no promises since I never really know where my Espirit would lead me to) But I would like to explain the relevance of my last Facebook Friend Peace Bee.. And the correlation to Donnas Birthday being 8-28…2+8=1O. And then Jonn Black whose name J=1O… (But his […]

23 Sep 2015

9/23/2015 18:56 – Facebook Post

Peace Bee! 4;29 pm… 382 Facebook Friends… 23-9-8 9-23-8… I-VV-H LEARN FIRST HOW TO BOOGIE, REALLY BOOGIE AND ONCE MASTERED HOW TO DO THIS IN ALL PLAINS OF YOUR EVERYDAY EXISTENCE… THEN FROM THAT SEAT OF CONSCIOUSNESS, AND ONLY THAT SEAT AND NOWHERE ELSE.. PROCEED TO SOLVE ALL YOUR CURRENTS PROBLEMS… Which turn into riddles when you proceed from that place.. A Play… O.B.I… Meaning in OINRI Igbo, “Heart, Hearth, H-Earth, Life, Conscience, Consciousness Harmony” This is the meaning of […]

23 Sep 2015

9/23/2015 15:53 – Facebook Post

From Nikolai Krusser.. The Observer.. This is what I mean when I say Boogie.. I Dance Oh Sing Oh…Life I.D….O…S.O.L How I recall how Everything was Created.. Through a Dance and Song.. It was not work.. It was Fun.. It was Play AH Africa…. The Way… 3:37 pm.. “Lightening Up the Load, by living in the Body (Heart) and not in the Mind or Head.. Voi-C.I…the True Beat Poets… The Observer… Marvelous Post Nikolai… 🙂 Truly marvelous it made me […]

23 Sep 2015

9/23/2015 14:07 – Facebook Post

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr… Ah.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here