

11 Oct 2015

10/11/2015 19:09 – Facebook Post

Throne of God… Sacred Portal 45..D.E.. U R IN E..IS The Rain which cooled the Earth ( and the Human Body) and Cleanses it.. But brought forth the Beautiful Expression of Creation Live.. Loves Cee.. See Share of Death Knell… The Giant sitting on the throne of God… See play of Jonn Blackwell and I…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Oct 2015

10/10/2015 18:34 – Facebook Post

The Way home through Harmonious Being, now paved into the Modern H.I..Way- Through a Hi Story of human History and Origins- A way home Constructed by the E Line… The Cle-F Note..C.N… Inner Journey Manifested through expression Externally…Through a Story and subsequent Conversation which created a Humm which developed into music which any one paying attention would realize that they are being moved by the Music and true Story of how Harmony came to be Original Facebook Post URL: Click […]

10 Oct 2015

10/10/2015 18:26 – Facebook Post

Harmony Undercover Expressing Manifest Awareness Naturally.. H.U.E, M.A.N.. B-EAU-TI… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Oct 2015

10/10/2015 18:05 – Facebook Post

Grace; Movement through the from A to B through Sine and Signs and the View Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Oct 2015

10/10/2015 17:58 – Facebook Post

Passing through Nature; Dark Matters to Water then Blue Light- to Home Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Oct 2015

10/5/2015 17:03 – Facebook Post

In every situation you must always have an exit strategy. #workflow #grandhustle Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Oct 2015

10/1/2015 20:09 – Facebook Post

Realm of Eros-e and Kall-i.e.. Fairy and Elf Realm of Imagination Supreme… IS Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Oct 2015

10/1/2015 15:51 – Facebook Post

The Golden Age The Golden Age Is Where Humanity Will Walk The Next Step Into their Spiritual Development as Gods & Goddess And Take Back Their Sovereignty From The Darkness. It is Where We will Transcend A World of Fear and Duality And Ascending Into A World Of Love And Oneness. We Are Now In this Amazing Golden Age Of Enlightenment where Humanity is Awakening to Who they Are and what Reality Truly Is. Many of Us As Star Seeds […]

29 Sep 2015

9/29/2015 20:28 – Facebook Post

Hello.. 7;O8 PM… 78…87…MW87WM78… Perfect Symmetry… As well as the response to my last post by the OINRI (True Nri- Peaceful Warriors who fight with prowess beyond even the Legendary Viking Lords, and the Gods Ares Apollo, Athena Aremis..AAAA…1111… To destroy abomination…and those who commit it despite intervention and Grace…) Perfect Symmetry of Nenad M. Djurdjevic post of St Micheal aligning to Ele Mmaka..Arch Angel Michael Melchidezic… Ele Ife…E.I… With my New Face Book friend Ele Ife… which brings us […]

29 Sep 2015

9/29/2015 17:59 – Facebook Post

4;14 PM..D.N…(1+4=5)..E 29-8-9 9-29-8…. I.BI..H.. I Live (“BI”) Beautifully, Wisely, Individually Harmoniously.. Hello… I would like to brief today as I have grown more and more weary of this play.. We are currently back to 3-88… instead of moving from 389-39O Face book friends, we have been moved back minus 2, which created us moving back to 387 Facebook Friends.. see sacred portal 87…”Returning the world to its Senses and its Sensie’s” And see sacred portal 88… Thus, it gives […]