

27 Oct 2015

10/27/2015 19:26 – Facebook Post

Teo Miquel L.R Bouca… Hello… I had a new Face Book named above. I accepted his face Book request and as is the play, I shared post from his page to prove his Harmony and the Harmony of his E-spirit aligned to the play.. I noticed as I shared his images which according to this play brings “Blessings” to the Host of the E-spirit moving them… Because their Harmony is acknowledge. and then he subsequently “Un-friended” me… to which I […]

26 Oct 2015

10/26/2015 18:18 – Facebook Post

4:47 pm…. ( D.D.G..Meaning that the D=4, 4th Dimension is DO-G../G.O.D.. The planet is World-Earth- God, which is Harmony Infinity.. Contd. 18;28.. 18=9. 28 =16 7….88 64..1O… 9-7…9-7..1 O… 97 One Filled Circle of Perfect Symmetry,,, See Torus… Now Bisect and Apple…it forms a Torus… The center reveals a Pod where the seed sits… And on top it forms a stem which replicates a Tree Trunk… The Big Apple…T.B.A.. New York City… N.Y.C… Nnamdi Yeshua Christ.. U.S.A.. Universal Simulation Awareness […]

24 Oct 2015

10/24/2015 19:06 – Facebook Post

From Orien Laplante.. ha.. Bene Gessirate Nuns to be precise.. D,U.N.E… N.U.. N.U.N. NU-UN. NINE.. Nuno Ordens Miguel..E N.O.M… N.O.M. Emmanuel TV… “God-Harmony” Sees All” S.A…H Sakib All Hasan.. HAS AS Fractaling As Emeka Eze… F.A…EE.. 4th note…4th Color D.G Dark Green,, EE… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Oct 2015

10/23/2015 19:36 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell But this is done and discovered Naturally, and so the Torus is formed of the Full Circle I Meeting the Full Circle of All and O.H… And this creates the Point of Infinity… Anomaly Singularity… A.S I realize by being myself others Rise and I rise and they rise.. all quiet naturally.. Evolution Human prove of right to evolve to the Final Stage in Evolution Hue men Bings.. was Explaining how the Perfect Symmetry Orb of the […]

23 Oct 2015

10/23/2015 18:24 – Facebook Post

From April Marie Malone An exceptional share… The One Ring Which Unites Sakib All Hasan S.A.H…Supreme A.H Lord Of The Rings… L.O.T..R=18..A.H.. *A Parking Lot of Ah relief ..Rest… Truth. Please See Nicholas Petcher’s share today.. It is a Torus… The meeting point of Two Orbs-Spheres… Bro..the rs… Creates the Tree of Life and the Big Apple in the Garden of Eden -Space. Consciousness….O the ability to see full symmetry, equates to this form- which makes you align right here […]

23 Oct 2015

10/23/2015 13:36 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell.. And this is how One becomes the Source Creator… One Creates ones on World, and then it becomes Fact when it manifest as Creation. This is what this play is about, and how I recall the beginning.. There were an infinite amount of possibilities… These All Existed in the Nothingness.. All these possible worlds.. But only one manifested… That is what I recall the birth of Creation. The one World Created by the One possibility manifesting… Which […]

22 Oct 2015

10/22/2015 20:56 – Facebook Post

From Dragos Gheorghe… Bianca Gai..us Bianca means “White Shinning” Gai meanS Gay-Happy in English… And “My Father Rejoices! Joy of my Father” in Hebrew Lancelot Knight in Shinning Armour… Gaius Cassius Longinus… and the Holy Lance..H.L…8-12..2O…96-69… Which created the last “Five Holy Wounds” F.H.W…6 8 Double V…22….66 ..88..V Who testified “Surely this must be the Son of God (Harmony)” Original Holder of the Spear of Destiny.. Gauis means “Joyous” Cassius means “Narcissus: Which means ” to Sleep” See play and […]

22 Oct 2015

10/22/2015 13:25 – Facebook Post

From Donna O’Sullivan.. The so many pieces are all the Fractals of I.E.. The Jonny Apple seed.. The Gift of Grace of the Source Creator The E… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Oct 2015

10/22/2015 13:20 – Facebook Post

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr. Fifth Element…. Always wondered about the plausibility of the E.T Blue Lady Opera Star carrying the Four Key Stones in her Womb or Stomach… Must have been a Heavy Load carrying the Building Blocks of Creation in ones Stomach then while preforming on a World Stage and Aria which turns Funky… P.S the Fifth Element..F.E is actually the meaning of the World Christo… It means Voice Word Traced back to Egypt and as “Krishna” which […]

22 Oct 2015

10/22/2015 12:59 – Facebook Post

From Andrese Harris Burton.. AH.B… C S.he Emerged… Marvelous. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here