

30 Oct 2015

10/30/2015 0:19 – Facebook Post

Dark Matters..D,M Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2015

10/30/2015 0:15 – Facebook Post

Infinity Time I.T Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2015

10/30/2015 0:06 – Facebook Post

“Me Voila” Victory inspite and despite the Spite and venomous bite of constant distraction from the True Play.. The Point Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2015

10/30/2015 0:03 – Facebook Post

The Mavi ( Blue) Navi-Journey of Seeing from Within Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Oct 2015

10/29/2015 22:53 – Facebook Post

9:54 pm The Question of Equality… I do sincerely, am an advocate of Equality.. But how can people make a demand for equality if everyone does equally contribute. In this “Play” of the Evolution Awakening- where my it has been my empirical experience of being asked to sacrifice my life, my comforts and even my Well Being for this play while others sit on the side lines while I do all the Work.. It has been a big bone of […]

29 Oct 2015

10/29/2015 17:11 – Facebook Post

Aryana Luna Leone… Oscillating Eye… O.E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Oct 2015

10/29/2015 16:47 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell Ha Ha!!!!! So Good.. and to prove how Literal this is please see scared portal 54 MF..Mother and Father as Super Nova… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Oct 2015

10/29/2015 0:13 – Facebook Post

D.O…. First Note.. 12;12 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Oct 2015

10/28/2015 17:36 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell Wonderful commentary and post. Bell Amy Brothers… B.B.. V…Donna has been seeing 22 everywhere…And just bought groceries 22;55.. V.E..N.U.SS.U.N.. Bellamy means ” Beautiful, Handsome, Fair, friend…” Brothers… ORB..BRO..T.H.E…(Thantos Hypnos Eros) ..R (Robert. “Shinning Bright Fame”) R=1 8…Which is a circle….A ring, Torus.. Bellami Brother BB..22..V The Beautiful, Handsome, Fair Good Friends…The Brothers (E.N=A-O) And so we know who and what this post affirms, who it is from and who its too.. 4554…@ 18…M.V It is a perfect […]

27 Oct 2015

10/27/2015 23:27 – Facebook Post

?? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here