

06 Nov 2015

11/6/2015 1:49 – Facebook Post

The Coast is Clear, the Eagle of the land has found the Gate Lands Gate way to the Dimension of E.. Eagle Landing E.L Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Nov 2015

11/5/2015 19:56 – Facebook Post

6:38 pm F.C..H… Full Circle = Harmony.. First Contact with H.I.E.. Back to 42O Fa-C.E Face Book Friends 42…Why one more full Circle of three OOO in One…4O.. DO! Meaning some one else is coming as a Facebook Friend whose name will align to that meaning… A O B.O C.O DO..NNA E.O.. But to my private understanding it is just more delays in the play to bring more people to this awareness Truth of the Awakening because after the Awakening […]

05 Nov 2015

11/5/2015 18:18 – Facebook Post

1:24 pm. 124…1 to 4…R.O.Y.G….A.X. 4-11-8 11-4-8 (1-4-8)… Hello… Speaking to the Void. The Nothingness and proving memory from the Origins that though others saw Nothingness, one was Aware and brought form “Out of the Blue”- the Transparent Nothing, contained Something which through it, all Creation and Existence manifested. I can not help but recognize the similarity of this play with that actuality- memory of that first manifestation of how everything came to be, is being replicated in this play. […]

05 Nov 2015

11/5/2015 2:07 – Facebook Post

Green is Life Door and its portal is the Green Screen and the Pool of your Lifes true reflections Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Nov 2015

11/4/2015 17:56 – Facebook Post

From Jonathan David Frechette “How quickly we forget” No words have rung truer in my own experience of this play in which so many were given proof of a Presence had created a set up- using the Human belief systems as a Basis to communicate its presence and point of view. How is it people forget, that which I could never forget. Why do people forget? …Lessons, experiences, revelations… And yet those who were at the other end of these […]

03 Nov 2015

11/3/2015 22:56 – Facebook Post

From Josephine Sweeney… That Looks like some has reached home… meaning the tranquility of enjoying being in one with ones Sol mate.. Your Expression aka Spirit or reflections.. Which creates a Mirror of Contemplation. The perfect See of Ah Well Done… me…long time no see…” That is how for Narcissus really experienced Nature his twin as Echo and when he- She understood Natures Beauty, Quiet was reflection of He.. He=She, merged into one with his Sol and danced with his […]

03 Nov 2015

11/3/2015 19:42 – Facebook Post

5:14 PM 5=1+4… E.N. 3-11-8 11-3-8 K.C H… K.C and Harmony ..The Sunshine Band… Sun Flowers… Back to 42O And I can tell you why… and that no Negation of Taking away “Un Friending” has any power in this play or in Life or in your Existence… See the code play of Jonn and Donna today… 28=1..16..+x 76…13 42…13O=4 M.DO…42O.. Equation of Existence HHG TT Galaxy.. 42O Face Book Friends…D.B…B.D…. Death BE (25-52..Paul Steinhardt P.S) Beautiful Devil..X….Expansion Multiply…x is 24… […]

03 Nov 2015

11/3/2015 1:43 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 1O5… Eleuthero Elysium Rest, rest rest… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Nov 2015

11/3/2015 1:34 – Facebook Post

AH Home.. Blue Sky Blue Pool of Reflections So Cool that you can Dive in and swim within… And Ah to Cees which form a Smile of two lips and a Mouth and the Smile is the contentment that you can rest on two Cees and with the Clouds as your Pillow, Home B. E…Victorious Chill..Vie C.E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Nov 2015

11/3/2015 1:15 – Facebook Post

Arrival of the Golden Herald Messenger of the Sun- Sum and “Songe”- Honey Be! Peace Be Harmony Supreme… Do-Re…MI.. Door Emi has Opened ! R.O.Y G- Golden Child Man Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here