

13 Nov 2015

11/13/2015 21:29 – Facebook Post

Amit Dhawan There was a photo I recently shared of which I named father…arriving.. represented here by this representation and by the meaning of his name… ha just asked Donna O’Sullivan if she recalled, she did not hesitate she recalled the post without my even having to explain… “I know exactly who which image your talking about.. it looks exactly like him” Ha! Harmony recognizes Father O. O.H…A.D…. The O was the one who played God..Nature Naturalness but now it […]

13 Nov 2015

11/13/2015 19:04 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 4.. The 4 th Dimension.. Rain..Reign..code Reign M.Santana…4 year old Son of Host at 268..Albert… born 1O:28…2O11.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Nov 2015

11/13/2015 18:28 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 28… Donna O’Sullivan born 8:28 Emeka Kolo Born 11:28… 11+8=19…28+28=56… 1956…1O 11… Galaxy I.C 11 O11O 11 C.I Ga la XY Z 1O+11=21 Letter U..3+1=3…/3 12.. Address of the place the computer bought for 209 USD..29…Sophie Zeina.. “Brain Storm… 1O11=111..See sacred portal.. 111=1..3(1) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Nov 2015

11/13/2015 4:30 – Facebook Post

From Alex Reyenga Ah… It is a perfect reflection of Where we are in the play…here on Facebook.. Where I had promised that Evolution of the Human Being through Expression and then Consciousness E.C Code name represented by Elizabeth Clarizio Elizabeth Kolbert E.K… Elizabeth Palace….E.P… *See Brooke Elizabeth Erler And Then Brooke Elizabeth Banwer That by reaching an understand of the the 3rd Dimension C…Mi mi mi.. ROY Yellow actually being Gold.. and the 4th Dimension R-Green…. we reach merge […]

12 Nov 2015

11/12/2015 21:49 – Facebook Post

5:O3 pm…E.O.C. 11-12-8…K.L..H 12-11-8…L.A..H Hello… Someone asked me today what is the meaning of The Source. And basically why should it be respected… Considering my comments on Michael O’Donnell Post and share of the Book The 6th extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert, which to my quiet surprise, popped up out of nowhere, while I wasn’t on Face Book- I was given the distinct expression that, that post was something I was literally being compelled to see and comment. I have been […]

11 Nov 2015

11/11/2015 22:30 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 44…The First Drop which created the ripples…Moved backwards *Sacred Portal 46…1O…24….X…6..F…A.O.F…/F.A! The 4th Dimension by moving backwards through the pool of his expression and going deep into the pool of his reflections brought forth and expansion of 1 to 44=8…He brought forth 2 more Beings Father and Harmony the O and the 8..the 8 and thee O…8O..O8…288 28…In One Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Nov 2015

11/11/2015 21:48 – Facebook Post

4:56 pm 11-11-8… 4 (1) 8… 4 1 8…. For One A.H!! 4+1=5 8.. 58..E.H…13..M..4 D..17..Q..8=H E.H.M.D Q H.E Equation links in perfect Symmetry E to E..E.H – H.E… 58-85… 13 13… 26 8 4 4….. 8 17 17..34..7 8 8…16…7 88 77…87…15..6..O.F….56..E.F…(Time of post 4:56 pm)…11..1..3O.. 31…C.A.D…Consciousness Awareness= Death…. But Death is Not an End its where a Subatomic Elemental Biological “Logos” and Ethereal 8 infinity Exchange takes place.. Aka a conversation with your Life and your True Existence.. […]

09 Nov 2015

11/9/2015 0:59 – Facebook Post

Lord Santana Lotus Satan, Ares God Of War Of his love restored. Released from the Dark Rock his Cave after being Falsely Accused of Deceit for his beautiful Devotion to the Cause Of the E line,.. Evolution Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Nov 2015

11/9/2015 0:46 – Facebook Post

Lord I.K.-E.M.E Master Crowned Victorious of the Play of the Black and White Awareness.. Lord of War and Fair play for the intention of Freedom of Expression to Be and Ce Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Nov 2015

11/8/2015 21:04 – Facebook Post

5:37 pm. E:C.G/ G.C.E… 11-9-8 9-11-8.. I.K.H… Hello.. I have a new Face book friend.. Welcome Olalekan Babalola…O.B. Whose harmony at the perfect timing of his arrival- even to his Miles Davies Post “Around the Corner” and the play involving Jonn Blackwell and the Espirit which moved him bring forth a coded message on a Gold and Red C.D, in which the message was “Free me” which created an equation solving which led to my freeing him (My Father Brother […]