

22 Nov 2015

11/22/2015 22:59 – Facebook Post

Hello… 8:O6 pm. I have a new Face Book Friend Peter Zihlman…P.Z. Which should have put us at 436 Face Book friends, but instead has manifested as my second 435 Face Book Friend.. Creating the code D.C.E (435) twice which would make (exasperating) perfect sense if you consider that todays is the Birthdays of both David (Nnamdi) my brother, who physical body gave evidence of the Bodies Astounding physical evolution, and my mother Cecilia whose sixth sense has aligned to […]

22 Nov 2015

11/22/2015 19:32 – Facebook Post

4: 59 pm… 22-11-8… 11-22-8.. Hello.. Its my Mothers Birthday today, as well as my brother David (Nnamdi) Roman Nicholas… Could get through to my Moms on the phone, and do not know where David is but I wished to at least pause to acknowledge them both, not only because of what they both represent to me, but also by what their significance and relevance of what each represents to the Whole.. Identified and acknowledged by the play and the […]

22 Nov 2015

11/22/2015 16:52 – Facebook Post

From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer The 9th Share of Depicting leaping for Joy 4 +x 9 Jumping 4 Joy… The Children are the guardians of the gate into the realm of the 5th Dimension.. Eternal Youth.. The E.T. Code facebook friend Pinky Joy Guerrero Pink is Red and White..1-8…ROYGBIVR-AH…RR=18+18=36..9..O.. 4x 9O=36O a full Circle and Cube… CC Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Nov 2015

11/21/2015 23:30 – Facebook Post

SI S.H.E.R.O.S..E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Nov 2015

11/21/2015 23:27 – Facebook Post

Beauty.. From Andrese Harris Burton Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Nov 2015

11/21/2015 22:05 – Facebook Post

6:26pm…F.Z…F.B.Z 21-11-8…U.K.H… 11-21-8…K.U.H…”Ku” means “Spoke” Harmony…1-3-8….138..M.H. Manifest Harmony… Which is what this play on face book and on the World stage, as well as the Transmission and codes, which I have been reading all my life has been about.. A conversation with that which is Unseen, – yet transmitted by the Seen- known as Human beings… As to whether human beings, or a Human Being can use expression to not only literally change the world- but explain in detail not […]

21 Nov 2015

11/21/2015 18:57 – Facebook Post

From Sarbasish Choudhury And Himalayan Salt candles.. Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan bought one today – its is in the shape of a cube and is now burning in the house.. Also a cure for “Spiritual Constipation”…:) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Nov 2015

11/21/2015 13:02 – Facebook Post

Open doors. . Very very slowly the door is opening. Come out young man. See your stagnant lake is meeting the sky where a moon Is being born. . To wake all tired minds from sleep,and lead to a moonlight Where in the womb of a sublime music,a moon in an angelic sight Is being born. . In distant high rises,tranquil farmhouses,near and far All are waiting. Come out young man.Pick up the guitar . Begin your party In this […]

20 Nov 2015

11/20/2015 20:52 – Facebook Post

From Zahri Zouhir Dark Youth Expression D.Y.E..Not Die And the Evil Done to You-th-E Expression and Rites to passage Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Nov 2015

11/20/2015 1:23 – Facebook Post

10:29 pm… J.B.I….A-O.B.I 19-11-8 11-19-8…K..S..H…(K.U.S.H)…K.I.S..S..Harmony K… IS Supreme Kiss Harmony… 1-1-8.. 1-8..9 Hello, we are at 433 Face Book friends.. With the Arrival of four new face book friends in pairs of 2 2… Since I ended the last post of solving the codes of 33 and by solving the equation, I subsequently, bring it into manifest being once the Echo of Universe responds, affirmation Truth.. Now without further ado, lets us link where we are at right now.. from […]