

06 Jan 2016

1/6/2016 16:51 – Facebook Post

Blue eyes, Blondes, Red Haired….. Africa got them all. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Jan 2016

1/6/2016 0:56 – Facebook Post

From Vaihere Cardonnet… meaning, : Water of Love…born amidst the place of thistles” The Thistle is the National Flower and Emblem of Scotland.. S-COT-LAND… It is Beautiful but a protector which can give pain… It is also the Symbol of the Crowning of an Enlightened Being… Symbolic of the Crown Charkra.. Thank you Gay-Marie Bradshaw for this marvelous intel of this beautiful expression and awareness of V.C… Victorious Consciousness E Evolution- Existence- Expression… B-EAU-TI-Fully Seen C.. Belle Vue… 11:54 p.m.. […]

05 Jan 2016

1/5/2016 23:56 – Facebook Post

Via Gay-Marie Bradshaw… Army of Heaven sent to eradicate the Parasites Traitors”.. of Humanities Beautiful Truth. Spot On Gay Marie… Believe me, I do not say this lightly but you I promise will see yourself healed… 1O:56 pm… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Jan 2016

1/5/2016 22:20 – Facebook Post

From David Arro Racz…. D.A…R../ R.A.D…A.R…E…. Metatron…Manifest Expression (M.E) Theta Alpha (1-8 True Awareness) T.R..True Response… ON…Full Circle Nature… Explained… This was shared by David…on 28-12-2O-15..35…8. 28-12-8… Please check my back post, I was doing the riddles of Metatron then Melchidezek..MM..13 13..26..Z…B.F…H… Best Friend Harmony… RADAR E… David- Beloved. Arro..”Arro Chukwu..Arrow of Gode.. BOW and Arrow BA! (Unique Individual Personality”…Line-Arrow-River-Streaming…LARS…meaning ‘Victory” Arro is also a locational name, in which all refer to the meaning “Heathen Temple” Rocz; “Brother, Dominant Brother, […]

03 Jan 2016

1/3/2016 15:05 – Facebook Post

A man who has been through bitter experiences and traveled far enjoys even his sufferings after awhile. -Homer, The Odyssey Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Jan 2016

1/2/2016 18:52 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell… Like an elevator, in which there are many floors… The Top Floor.. Where you get to see the whole view… Hz…Code Zeina Hanna/ Z.H/Hz… Meaning that Hertz, translated into the codes of the E-Dimension represent Brain States of Beauty, Grace and Harmony.. Such as the Music of a Wondrous Symphony and Wave, bars of music also filled with Solfeggio Which accesses 1OO% of the Brain.. Music. Which creates a picture, moves you when in your Natural State, […]

01 Jan 2016

1/1/2016 15:15 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Dec 2015

12/28/2015 19:55 – Facebook Post

Sophie’s World… Alberto- “Intelligent Bright…Noble… Aryan Race.. Noble Race I. B. Helga Heidi… HE. I.D. I… “Heidi” means “Noble” From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein… B.C.G… 2..37…/7 3..2… See Sacred Portal 2-3…37 and 73… 73 is Sophia…Wisdom…Lauren-ce… “Crowned With Laurels Of Victorious Expression” C.W…L.O.V.E… Code name Cecilia Wiebers…L.O.V.E. Supreme Alpha D.I..KE…Meaning “Strength IS K.E” Code name facebook friend Dike Wisdom is Crowned as that which manifested Love… And the Source of Loves Expression is Truth Beautifully expressed Beautiful C- Speed of Light […]

27 Dec 2015

12/27/2015 19:22 – Facebook Post

3:34 p.m. C:C.D… 12-27-8…L.B.G..H…Loves Beautiful Grace is Harmony… 27-12-8…B.G.L.H… Being Grace Loves Harmony.. Hello, I have a new Face Book friend, whom I have known for over 11 years, whom I knew when I first wrote the Creation story of the Family of 1O, in 2OO4, while living at 33 rd Street with Michelle L… A Gifted true Seer, through Silence and sound, having she herself having been born 8O% Deaf. It is where I met Johnny Larkin, Geoff Lacour, […]

25 Dec 2015

12/25/2015 7:51 – Facebook Post

Collective Evolution Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here