

11 Jan 2016

1/11/2016 17:28 – Facebook Post

From Richard Schooping Ziggy…”Ils s’appel Ziggy” Ziggy Star Dust.. Marked as Henry Potter… From the Clay Potters Field.. Like the Movie “Ghost” Z.D.S… Ziggy means “German”- Victorious Defender” “Peace Protection Safety” Star.. Stella, Esther Estas Extase… Dust… Adam, Adem.. Star Dust.. D.U..S.T..Of Supreme Truth.. Zorro David Stephan… Zeina Donna O Sulivann.. Ground Control (G.C 7 3) To Major Tom… T.M.T…T Mountain View T.W.O Major Twin Mots..(Words..Christo CC= O) E.N (In) One… E.O.N.E…I.O.N.E… H.D…J.D…Jonn Blackwell Donna O’Sullivan… 58-85…A B.D..(A-g-e..Birth Day) 13 […]

10 Jan 2016

1/10/2016 16:58 – Facebook Post

From Drew Reyn And conduct the Invisible Orchestra by turning Silence into the most Joyous Sound Solfeggio F Major..Tom “Twin) G Note F.F.G G../ GG FF.. 66 77/ 77 66 67/76.. 76… 13 42..55…EE.. 4..D..F. H The 4th the 6th…Praise.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Jan 2016

1/10/2016 16:54 – Facebook Post

From Drew Reyn To be or not to be.. To feel or not to Feel that is the Question…? No, there is no question Feelings are the reason you know that you as an Individual, rather than a People Collective Exist… I.Feel.. I.F…96.. 96% Dark Matter.. Q..Quintessential Quantum Ingredient.. 4 Dimension I.F.E.E.L…(Not Fell) 4 D is the Spirit Realm.. Feelings made manifest… 4+96=1OO% 1OO%Brain Use Music… Meaning for Q= 17 to transform into 1-7..then 8 H you must make Music […]

10 Jan 2016

1/10/2016 15:15 – Facebook Post

From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein Elegant… I too Bow to the I.E And the examples of so many possibilities of Being in Existence, All the people I met, lived with.. Each were my Teachers, For I would never have understood the reason why thee World and people did not live in Harmony and an easy grace as they should.. My teachers taught me why.. Everyone literal become my Teacher, not just people, but animals, insects, the wind, nature, time, space… And […]

10 Jan 2016

1/10/2016 1:00 – Facebook Post

9:19 p.m. I.S.. NN A.M D.I… DI Meaning IS.. IS Present… I.P. Mann.. Amit Dhawn has left us for the 2nd time.. chuckle… *So much about this Physical Education of E.P.. E-Art-Harmony Plan-E.T.. is about the last man standing.. Am it the Actor has gone.. And so we are left with only that which claim to be the For Real standing with 469 Face Book Friend… 4 th Dimension Nature -Nnamdi- Father Is Present as the Wind… Breath Air… 69…the […]

09 Jan 2016

1/9/2016 21:47 – Facebook Post

I. W.E are currently at 4 69 Face Book Friends… Sacred Portal 69… The Note of 1-7 Kundalini (Krishnna) to Crown Chakra (Christ) to 8 Harmony Infinity Magic to I.O.E.A.. First Note BREATH Six Sense… NNamdi April 5th 1969…54 19 69…1O6… Silver Surfer sacred portal 1O6..16..P…7..G… #69 I am Breath Breathe The Song of Sixth sense universal Understanding I see C… 8:53 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2016

1/9/2016 20:25 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 76…The Awakening through Inspiration Breath “AH!”- And the buzzing Bee of conversation that Harmony Peace Bee.. But.. only after moving 53 67 67 67 67..x4…North East West South to create four Summits of Truth manifested into one True View.. 5+3=8…O Full Circle to Create 8 -76…88 16 7 76… A Harmonious Happy Evolution Awakening for the Harmonious All… 7:25 pm G.BE Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2016

1/9/2016 20:19 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 67… Kali, Kalle, Parvati, Asks-Demands…How Far will you go for Love-Truth…?” 7:17 p,m. G.Q.. She iss asking some one who represents the literal Gentlemens Quarterly, I/4..9O Degrees I.O..this Question and The real G-4 Summit has responded… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2016

1/9/2016 20:03 – Facebook Post

From RA Sool Smile.. yes Grace is Ground… The Ground you walk on and the Body you have been given A Divine Gift from Existence Divine… DE..I Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2016

1/9/2016 19:38 – Facebook Post

From RA Sool This looks like a literal energetic expression of my mood now taken on form… as Youth… kinda getting bored out of his mind with this play… Really…:) 45 months… Man.. Whew.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here