

23 Jan 2016

1/23/2016 22:13 – Facebook Post

I.A.M.. Code New Face book friend Inmaculada Ayecaba Masa D.H.I… Divine Harmony I (Infinity) Code; 489 Face Book Friends Ti.Me: 5:13 p.m. E.M…/ M.E… Sacred Portal 55…Sensie Hello, I have another 489 Face Book Friend replacing Michael Lrb who left in Harmony of the play.. Thus 4 89…Divine Harmony Infinity… D..Hi..Welcome comes not from the Arc Angel Michael Story guardian of the Portal to Heaven or Hell.. But Wonder Wu-man…23 23..46.. First Drop which grew into an All Knowing Pause […]

23 Jan 2016

1/23/2016 15:54 – Facebook Post

I just saw this in my posts, dated 12-1-2O14… Which is 2 years and 1O days ago… If you look at the alter art created by using Sixth Sense, on hindsight read…can you not notice that all these Elements translated are an exact replica of the play of the proceeding two years, and played out for that last two years… I created my own path way..? Yes, but whose will was directing my Sixth Sense, moving me, us, to create […]

23 Jan 2016

1/23/2016 2:33 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Bradshaw Thank you for the intel from my Family.. And the wonderful codes which as Michael Lrb data matched my own data.. Just interface and they mean the same thing.. P.S. How do I know that it was intel for me… O X O…O 1O O…O 24 O..O 6 O…O 8 O…O 14 O..O 5 O…O.E.O My birthday is 11 28…1128Hrtz… See the post of the Portal 47 to the Abyss code of my Mother Line of the […]

22 Jan 2016

1/22/2016 19:48 – Facebook Post

From Michael Lrb I read Michaels commentary.. Brilliant.. Now match all those numbers and interface them with all the current codes of my equation which one can see repeat over and over again… I will not go into much detail, because I have overstated the “Obvious” But for the literal linking of this to awareness and for the Records I will weave it through a simple code already played out as myself and the World and all Humanity- in Energy […]

21 Jan 2016

1/21/2016 23:29 – Facebook Post

Contd 3:5O p.m. See sacred Portal 35. C;E.O 1-21-9…A.U.B.A..C.I. 21-1-9….(3 1 9..C.A.I)…U.B.A…C…A.I.. A.I is code for Alpha Intelligence.. Anya-Wu, Ifunanya… Meaning Bright Eyes of the See of Love, “I See you Everywhere”… Hello… Its 3:59 pm… C;E.I… I would like to go straight to reading the codes transmission for the E line who have been publicly, speaking me, first from within me, and for the last year, then, outside of me in the world around me and finally rising through […]

21 Jan 2016

1/21/2016 12:20 – Facebook Post

Kauai Hawaii ??: @hidrivephoto Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jan 2016

1/21/2016 11:15 – Facebook Post

Adoration to Women spiritual ascetics Namast? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jan 2016

1/21/2016 6:55 – Facebook Post

Enamored in symbiotic essence of primordial self , wearing dawn as a shawl elemental wielder whisper your souls siren , speak elegant truth , yield humility , hardest harmonic resonance Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Jan 2016

1/19/2016 22:16 – Facebook Post

5:46 p.m. E: D.F 19-1-9…(2O16..36..9) Code: S.I.A…Yes..Sia- Means -“Black…” A.I. Supreme…”Anyawu Ifunanya” Meaning I Cee, you everywhere, I see you from the Fifth Dimension Cee with L.O.V.E (Logos Organized Vocally Explained).. 1-19-9…A.S..I…./IS A=1… See Sacred portal 1-A, is “Love Links JOY-US De-Vine Divine”- Our Joy is Divine..J.D. Right in front of me is a card left on the table by Jonn Blackwell on it are the words “JOY” an Insurance Agency..I.A.. which Jonn brought back from work, address 68..68/86…See sacred […]

19 Jan 2016

1/19/2016 3:15 – Facebook Post

The Great Golden Thread Sustainer of life, giver of light, whose weave entwines and enshrines from within. In sweet musical counterpoint, the song of yearning is called from the alchemist’s heart, in preparation for the great work of purity. Unravel the myths, deconstruct all barriers to understanding – experience your own source of Divinity. The ritual has arisen and woken, gifted upon this Golden Dawn. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here