

09 Feb 2016

2/9/2016 17:56 – Facebook Post

Was just reflecting upon you Michael O’Donnell And here you are, as usual in perfect harmony with the E line play Naturally and unconsciously, mirroring its perfection through All Languages of Expressions… And yes I agree Unbeing Dead is not being alive, it is simply reaching the state of Nothing… the very term Being Alive ..BA!…21.. Requires Action Movement.. A.M.. Awakening to through Awareness Memory.. A.M to the Point of why you are Here… And completing that purpose… B.A….Being Alive […]

09 Feb 2016

2/9/2016 17:45 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell Global Awakening.. G.A…7-1…V.I.B.G.(G)-Y.O.R. E.D.. R=1 8.5..4 A.H. I.T 6+4=9..I..4×5=2O..T..I.T…29 B.I..A.H..I. Family of 1O, Father Mother- F.M..8 children.. 1O 8… Amitahba Buddha…1O8 Names. Flower of Life… C.L…3 12…3 1 2… C.O..Flow Rey (Do Rey Mi Fa) La F, Flower T.Y..(2O-25 45…Tom Yonathan..Twins Yoseph Yonathan.. code meaning YY =5O..”Add the Gracious Favor of the Creators Love..E.O) WE MAY…WM…36..23 Double V V..13 M… V.M/ M.V. Mountain View… Victorious Manifestation,, May is the 5th Month.. V=5.. message of Victorious Manifestation… Global […]

09 Feb 2016

2/9/2016 3:23 – Facebook Post

SoShalize all that WeMaY Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Feb 2016

2/9/2016 0:00 – Facebook Post

1OX1O=1OO.. Here is a quote from the story of the 100th Monkey… “In modern legend, the story of the Hundreth Monkey implies that evolutionary concepts can quickly spread among a species. In 1952 on the Japanese island Koshima, scientists observed a young monkey wash sand off a sweet potato before eating it. Meanwhile all the other monkeys were eating dirty potatoes and spitting out the sand. Over the next few years, other young monkeys began to wash their potatoes, along […]

08 Feb 2016

2/8/2016 22:45 – Facebook Post

6:22 p.m. Code F.BB..F.V… 8-2-9 2-8-9… H.B.I…”Hue-man Being Individuality” B.H.I…Being Harmony Infinity.. 28/82… Code E.N represented by Emeka Line 28 and Nnamdi line 82 in my personal story, E representing Expression and N representing Nature… My brother was born 1969, April 5th Easter Saturday and passed away age 13, 1982 Easter Sunday, April 11… 5-11…E.K…my initials which confirm what people have commented even here on Face Book that we are one and the same person… An expression which took me […]

08 Feb 2016

2/8/2016 18:44 – Facebook Post

“The entire universe is God’s cosmic motion picture in which individuals are merely actors in the divine play who change roles through reincarnation. Mankind’s deepest suffering is rooted in identifying too closely with one’s current role rather than with the divine.” -Yogananda // Art by Joey Baker Art Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Feb 2016

2/8/2016 13:57 – Facebook Post

Fire Mon Key…G note… The Orange Gold and Blue Flame Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Feb 2016

2/7/2016 23:49 – Facebook Post

From Amber Elaine Manning… Yes Beautiful.. The Consciousness of the Full Circle of Completion and the Consciousness of Sharing… This is the Consciousness of the Child and the treasure which was meant to be guarded in Humanity- for within this Consciousness is the magical key to to Harmony and to the E line of HOME. What is Humanities True Nature… The Consciousness of the Wise Child.. Happy Feet.. It comes naturally because it is Ingrained in our blue print of […]

06 Feb 2016

2/6/2016 19:44 – Facebook Post

3:31 p.m. Cee Sacred Portal 31…Resurrection. 3:32 p.m..Cee Sacred Portal 32. “Eros-e Kali” 6-2-9… F-B.I….Face Book I. 2-6-9 Sixth Sense Be I, Infinity…Consciousness (F.M Band from Beyond) B.F.I…Best Friend I… (Your Individuality the Eternal You.. Nna-Mast-Day (Father the Guide, is the Mast-ER of Day..Guides you to Dawn- Voice of Conscience and Inner Compass… the Sensie seated within each person.. This is Best Friend of of People, because the Eternal One residing within you, the one who knows all.. Who makes […]

06 Feb 2016

2/6/2016 17:54 – Facebook Post

Can yoi see it? Only 25 percent people will get it. Answer if you get it. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here