

12 Feb 2016

2/12/2016 12:43 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell Hats Off! to this expression. Itself a Victory,, of “Rare” Common sense… (No Oxymoron here) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 23:04 – Facebook Post

From Will Hunnitpercent Real… You say Inari Fox… (I.F..96…96% Dark Matter) I say “Ewok” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 22:17 – Facebook Post

This was not the image I initially wished to reflect the synchronicity of Donna O’Sullivan share with one I had manifested 3 years ago.. But I could not find it and this one kept coming up instead… then I read the Title I had framed it over three years ago, and decided, yep, this is the correct one.. “Final Acknowledgment of the E, by the Sacred Dove” Which equates to Ritz Montes-Marina BuriniDina Singh- Donna Sullivan…R M.D.D.B.S.S O..B.8.O.P.E..Planet Earth -H.O.P.E…Physical […]

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 21:18 – Facebook Post

From Orien Laplante At the place where they are shooting the northern Lights… A Falcon… Guardian… Grew up in Winnipeg Manitoba… 8:18 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 18:54 – Facebook Post

From Vaïhéré Cardonnet A 3 Dimensional Play… One effects the others. one informs the other… And the riddle would be to create an outcome where each level on this “Game Boy” G.B..(ROY(G)GBIV..O.I.C.E….) 4 5.. Would be to align each level to its meaning Full Circle, which would give basic blue print, and idea of what the next level- built upon the correlation between the First level, would be the Guide to its manifestation, from the 1st, to the 2nd, then […]

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 17:50 – Facebook Post

From Vaïhéré Cardonnet V.C.. Inspired Posts.. Arrival of Feminine Mother in aspect Masculine in Space.. And Masculine Father in Feminine aspect, on Land… 4:5O p.m Three Moon Beams… Centered on the Center… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 17:47 – Facebook Post

Inspired Posts… Sacred portal 47… 88 time 4;47 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 17:44 – Facebook Post

E.O…A.N./N.A….O.E Code Nicholas Petcher Victory of the People- Victory to the Fisher Man. F.M. Fey Mirach Fey means Fairy Faire Fair E… and Beech Tree.. Mirach means “Dark” – Maurice “Moor Dark-Night” has its origins in this word. Light and Dark.. only manifests in Nature as A Full Moon (F.M) at Night… Space..Dark Energy/Dark matter and the Stars.. and in Human Consciousness, an awareness, a Ceeing in the Dark Code name “Cecilia” meaning Blind as well as the number 6.. […]

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 15:08 – Facebook Post

I am currently reading 51 likes on my page when I saw this Share from Jonn… Whose Intel from beyond has been so extraordinary intrinsic the the designer of this play and the plane E.T.. It also links to Ariane Oates… to my Sisters conciousness 7;28..Kevin G Gordon…K.GG.. 1:56 P.M Recall Donna O’Sullivan’s “Room with a View” post yesterday and now after the 5OO play…has been reached, signaled through Jonn Blackwell.. Here is the Opening the Door from Elemental Matter […]

11 Feb 2016

2/11/2016 14:18 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell Happy Feet… The Journey is to find what makes you Happy by finding out what makes others Happy.. And when you find the Answer… then to me that mission is complete. But to be Happy, you realize, you must solve the riddle of how to bring Happiness in the World… Which is why the “True Journey” to find Happiness, is linked to understanding what makes people Happy… Truly Happy.. And the common theme is what links your […]