

17 Feb 2016

2/17/2016 18:43 – Facebook Post

These current energies are really something to say the least. I want to share with all of you some tools that have been easing my Ascension symptoms. For anxiety/panic attacks: salt baths, Bach Rescue remedy, FES Flower remedies- Fear-less blend, Neroli, Rose, and Lavender essential oils, magnesium (the powdered one is great, the name is Calm), Homeopathic remedy called Ignatia Amara (great for nervousness and anxiety), Yoga asana practice along with slow deep breathing. For depression and feeling discouraged, FES […]

17 Feb 2016

2/17/2016 16:35 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 34…C.D. Mari Juana… Mary Jane… 3 4 12 7 19 84.. 1O3.. 13.. D Donna O’Sullivan Ref. Mehmet Mutaf Share MM=1313.. 26 8.. Zeina Hanna… Beautiful Grace.. b.g.. Blue Green 4-5…9..I I wasn’t joking about the conversation which created such a High that it manifested the “Miracle” Plant.. Orien Laplante…M.K..WE ED.. Pot -Kettle-Black and White… 3:35 p.m.. C:C.E O.E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Feb 2016

2/17/2016 16:30 – Facebook Post

From Donna O’Sullivan… Good Heavens… So many portals to align through Nature and Music! Thunder A Gate… Thor.. Thor-Ax… Throat.. Pass through Rock, Stone, Pierre- Pierre David R.S,P…18 Sacred Portal…18-9 Voi.ce.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Feb 2016

2/17/2016 15:51 – Facebook Post

A much better and Truer Version of Father and Son-Self. having a conversation in Creations beginning.. Which got them so High that one landed in the Heavens and the other landed and grounded its self on the E-Art of conversation of a “Joint” dialogue, so inspired by the “O Rien La Plant E” Marijuana Mari Juana… Mary Jane… Which happened to be my first serious girlfriends name.. Mari means Cherished Beloved… And Husband… J.A.N.E..Is derived from the name John.. At […]

17 Feb 2016

2/17/2016 15:24 – Facebook Post

From Nnaemeka Jude Charles… “…Traveling through the Nostrils-through breath.. the Mind is the traveler, moving through Dna (Agbulu..the blue print) past present future…Visiting past present and future, through your Ancestors, your Descendants and Your Kin…” Wonderful.. explanation of time Travel, and the journey into the mystery. through ignorance, only for it to come to light, from the Darkness, that we already know..the way home. And how on earth, did we forget… Recall yesterday how the Equation and Weave resolved yesterday […]

17 Feb 2016

2/17/2016 0:29 – Facebook Post

The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Feb 2016

2/17/2016 0:04 – Facebook Post

From Sandy Waters… From her 15 year old Daughter Candy, Look at this image, a Flower, perfume, equation..a story all in one. Anyone following my equation and weaving linking can see the obvious harmony Candy, and her Mother are in by the play having reached the Color Violet… The 7th Color… Which means what people called Autistic or Children with special needs are Children fully aware, Indigo Violet Children, who can not communicate with Words because lets be honest words […]

16 Feb 2016

2/16/2016 20:56 – Facebook Post

From Alexandre Mamo… Twin Expressions Supreme… S..T.O.M..B… Free not Entombed in Ancient Egypt. 7:55 p.m G;E E..Z,…U.S! We manifest our own Evolutionary Process, and Awakening… 7:56 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Feb 2016

2/16/2016 16:06 – Facebook Post

From Ariane Oates 6TH… 1O6…Alpha Omega 6th Sense now a Fact… Astro M.. A.M. Swan- Transformation.. Wings.. Donna O’Sullivan sent me a text of Wings opening wings.. 3:O6 p.m C.Full Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Feb 2016

2/16/2016 3:44 – Facebook Post

Star Forming Region S106 (Astronomy Picture of the Day) Massive star IRS 4 is beginning to spread its wings. Born only about 100,000 years ago, material streaming out from this newborn star has formed the nebula dubbed Sharpless 2-106 Nebula (S106), featured here. A large disk of dust and gas orbiting Infrared Source 4 (IRS 4), visible in brown near the image center, gives the nebula an hourglass or butterfly shape. S106 gas near IRS 4 acts as an emission […]