

20 Feb 2016

2/20/2016 15:29 – Facebook Post

From Luna-Soul Maia Beautiful Pride Beautiful Expression.. This is what I mean by the Equation 12 3..L.C.. Loves Consciousness, Life”s Cee True Love is not really a romantic expression its Sees Clearly A.H.BE..I.Cee.. The Romance comes by the simply recounting the cause and effect of being of Loves Cee.. and its power, comes from putting that experience into words.. such as these words by Luna-Soul Maia. 2:28 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Feb 2016

2/20/2016 0:05 – Facebook Post

From Thomas J Brock A very Simple but profound fact and truth of Eternal Love.. This principle of Eternal Love is consistent in all Species and creation- right to its Source, the Original family who literal would cross the See and Abyss and Void of the most terrible stories and programs to find their Family. So, yes this is the meaning of Eternal Truth… And Endless Love.. Also known as infinity Eternity… And how despite it all I could not […]

19 Feb 2016

2/19/2016 23:46 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 37.. “Divine Fee-Male -Creation Made Manifest’ Code Sophia Laurentis…S.L..S.O.L… Code Played out Larry Sax…L.S… Sophia…Sophies World.. Laurels… Hayes Stephanie E.H.S/S,HE…Ha! Yes Pamela Stefaniotis… Aligned to E.D.I..N.G..U.. Nadee Nakandala Donna O’Sullivan Gay-Marie Bradshaw Enika Olah.. Out of Africa version of the Play.. I did this same Equation with the African origin play 3 years ago.. 1O-47 P.M…Code 37.. 1 O…21.. 22..V-E..31.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Feb 2016

2/19/2016 22:20 – Facebook Post

From Vaïhéré Cardonnet V.C… V=5=E..E..Cee God IS IN Control.. G..I…I..C… Aka God=Existence Control =Harmony Infinity.. G…E.C.H..O….I God is the Echo of I..the Individual representation of Infinity.. 9:13 p.m. I.M…Possible.. Mi!…mi mi.. 9:14 p.m I.N.. 1+4=5.. E Alex Reyenga code… “Host of God” 9:15 p.m. I.O. Is any one truly hearing me now…? I believe only few understand the literal meaning of the Words the play is weaving of meaning… or perhaps.. they choose not to believe what they are understanding, […]

19 Feb 2016

2/19/2016 19:41 – Facebook Post

Totally…Coming out from undercover.. Thats the “Just Bearable” Agony, I have been Hollering (Quietly) at the Top of my Lungs about.. The Horror of not being literally being able to Open and Spread your wings ..Shoulder Blades and Torso, and Fly…Home. I have been calling this, and this alone to the attention of the World, that my body is morphing, literally, and I had met only one person in all these years whose body had fully morphed, His name was […]

19 Feb 2016

2/19/2016 18:44 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Bradshaw J.F.K ’63… Code 1O 6 11 Galaxy I.C.1101 X through Six Sense.. GA..LA! X.Y..Z…C,I. 1O 11.X by 6th Sense.. G-A (7-1 Alex-Gaia) La! (6th Note Six Sense), X=Expand.. 24..1O..6..- La X..66 Y=R.OY..3rd Color, third letter, C..Expand Y to C, Y.C- Yeshuah Christ, Yes, Hues AH..Cee..Y-25=7.. Expand Y of the 3rd Planet of the Sun, Earth Consciousness and “Cee’ From Do Rey (Code Alex Reyenga,- Geoffroy D’Aillaud de Caseneuve) Mi C.A-/ A Course in Miracles.. Code Miracle Mike […]

19 Feb 2016

2/19/2016 2:44 – Facebook Post

John F. Kennedy’s speech he was to give on the day he was assassinated, in Dallas, Texas Nov. 22, 1963 President Kennedy: My fellow Americans, people of the world, today we set forth on a journey into a New Era. One Age, the childhood of Mankind, is ending and another Age is about to begin. The journey of which I speak is full of unknowable challenges, but I believe that all our yesterdays, all the struggles of the past, have […]

19 Feb 2016

2/19/2016 0:34 – Facebook Post

From Will Hunnitpercent Real Face Book friend lord Ye…! Code Panda.. from China -Taiwan.. Black and white true rep.. he just turned 51.. Code area 51.. though he still looks like a youth.. Ye means ‘Light Happiness Harmony” ..But I don’t know about the chubby part both he and I are quite Slim.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

2/18/2016 18:50 – Facebook Post

Excellent Intel.. AN Electrical W.A.V.E.. A Flooding of Invisible Electrical Wave- Yes Hue A.H’s Ark? I wrote an equation about this two two days ago which prompted and play and conversation with Alex Reyenga.. Code meaning and undercover in him, is the A.R…E/ E..R.A.H of the”All Seeing Eye” Defender of Man, Do Rey…E.N GA..5-14..7-1″ The second Sound Wave… The first is to “Do” – The conversation led to the answering of a question as to my own secret undercover identity, […]

18 Feb 2016

2/18/2016 8:07 – Facebook Post

“Blue Gate” heART by #richardschooping #Breathe even and #aware. WE are the breath and heartbeat of creation. Assist and play. Allow each emotion to be just as it is. Let the moments flow freely. Thank you. I love you. Blessings Sat Nam www.richardschooping.com Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here