

24 Feb 2016

2/24/2016 1:51 – Facebook Post

7-11-12 p.m. G-K..G.L… 23-2-9…W.B.B..I..(Double V BB=22.letter V, I…VV.V.I) .B.C.B.I.. Before Christ there was the Beautiful I.. The Individual, Infinite Light of the I.. Meaning that before there was the Being of Consciousness called the Collective…there was already I.L. Infinite Light. 7-12…19 84…1O3..13..4..M.D. 2-23-9…( 2-5-9..B.E.I) B-W.I…B-Double VV.55 EE.I. 9:3O p.m… I.C..O… Hello.. I noticed that I had 2, then three new Face Book requests.. One such person, Nicolina Ciccotelli Ippolite.. came in at 5O7, as everyone have been repeatedly aware, I […]

23 Feb 2016

2/23/2016 18:12 – Facebook Post

Excellent… Yes, the codes of the Holograph can be read.. Which is obviously what I am decoding and encoding at the same time and the Dne sequences… The codes were created to show and give evidence that the Species have always been safe. The E line never required codes to exist in creation, but the Human Species went so much out of their mind and hearts, that a mission was established to prove that the Hologram could be easily read […]

23 Feb 2016

2/23/2016 16:21 – Facebook Post

Theoretical Physics… The Science created to understand Nature… That which is already created. M.K Noted that Science is Off by 1 to the power of 12 Zero’s..120 in understanding the Cosmos.. My equation points at the precise equation of the cosmos as being 12O 1+2=3…O… C.O.. And that C as in Cosmos, is Consciousness, and Created C=Speed of Light… But while the modern day scientists, just as the ancients ones, looked outside of themselves and to Nature to formulate their […]

23 Feb 2016

2/23/2016 0:28 – Facebook Post

From Vaïhéré Cardonnet Sky and Water E-Spirit Du Temps… Portal Air Water Expression.. Harmony. A.W.E..H 11:28 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Feb 2016

2/23/2016 0:25 – Facebook Post

From Vaïhéré Cardonnet So perfectly in Harmony with the E-A play.. I really know that the mission is done for the E harmony is present in this world. Proven through this play.. Wonderful shares and imagery… “Vraiment..et tous beau- B-E.A-U Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Feb 2016

2/22/2016 23:41 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 55.. EE.. Family arriving through the Back- the Past , the mystery of the Universal Sensie of Self Mastery the Warrior of the Noble Family sent to incarnate as Beautiful Death..E .E.S.O.Y…M-I.5.. M=13.. Manifestation… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Feb 2016

2/22/2016 17:34 – Facebook Post

From Yousif Masri This is at once, Terrible and Funny.. Terribly Funny.. Terror Humor and bad P.R Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Feb 2016

2/22/2016 15:47 – Facebook Post

Ha! A Bad Ass Tinker Bell… that’s what I call Evolution… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Feb 2016

2/22/2016 1:14 – Facebook Post

From Maryanne Savino Aligned as Fact and beautiful Truth.. Posted by M.(A) S…. 5:58 p.m E-EH. Existence=E-Harmony… E is Expression.. Harmony Infinity Eternal… 12:12 pm, L.L… 33.. 6.. Sixth Sense Completed. Portal Ascension made Real and Manifest in this World.. 12:13 p.m. L.M.. The Loom… 12 13..25..7.. of G..ode Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Feb 2016

2/21/2016 18:07 – Facebook Post

3:52 p.m. C:B.E. / E.B.C… 21-2-9…U-B-I…3-2-9…C.B…I…/ I.B..C 2-21-9… B.U.I ( Meaning “Unexplained” and “Abundance” Vietnamese Chinese) Being Unique Individual… Which is the Egyptian Book of the Dead’s code within the Ka.. Known as the BA..Unique Individual.. U.I.. BA is code, B=2, A=1 ..21 Reference the Alignment to todays Date.. Then to my latest Face Book friends page… Esoteriq Eriq..E.E. Then link it to the Ancient Egyptian Tarok, Onechance Onechance Onechance…had the code name Tarok.. Tarok, are the source of the […]