

08 Mar 2016

3/8/2016 16:25 – Facebook Post

Ah.. Lord Erik Ebright Chillin with the code colors… Lavender Violet, Golden Orb and Red backdrop… and of course the “shadows” showing Harmony is reading reading the codes… of the true meaning of everything is perfect right now.. Because the perfection is meaning that the settings are in perfection which allows you to Read… Not that everything is perfect with you.. when you know deep inside, that that is really not true.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Mar 2016

3/7/2016 17:38 – Facebook Post

I took David Arro Racz recommendation and watched Chappie and Signal… C.S…Code Consciousness Supreme- Which aligned with my then 519 Face Book Friends.. 519 =E.S…E.A.I…E Alpha Intelligence versus the idea of Artificial Intelligence… and Area 51 is not district 9 but rather the I of the Individual… I had already established David as D.A.R..E… And R.A.D..A.R..E…”Beloved Arrow of Ra-C-Z… So though, I was aware of these two films, I resisted watching them until yesterday.. And both happened to be about […]

07 Mar 2016

3/7/2016 0:11 – Facebook Post

March 7th… 3-7… 37.. See sacred Portal ‘The Lady Rises” 2O13 ..Hmm that was 3 years ago… 2O+13=33..CC…369…Todays Date…6 O.. T.X.68…2O 24..44… 7O 44…T X..2O Ten Expands… 2 6… 268..68… A Comet is a physical symbol of something really energetic.. COME.T…2O… A Portent and Signal a Sign.. But only for those who can read…. Arrival of the Feminine Principle Universal Sixth Sense aligned in Harmony.. Echo Truth of Energetic Expression-Affirmation Response Confirmation Harmony…..E E.T..O.E.E…A.R.C.H….E 11:11 p.m. 4 1 Original Facebook […]

06 Mar 2016

3/6/2016 23:09 – Facebook Post

Vie Conscious… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Mar 2016

3/6/2016 23:06 – Facebook Post

From Vaïhéré Cardonnet V.C…E.K Je m’appel Emeka Kolo Source of the E line, the only one in Human Form… About to unite with my family of E.T the moment the Human Species Evolve Transform and Awaken to the beings embodied and manifest of the Family of E.. Et vous, vous etes Qui… Votre Nom… c’est Quoi… Et est ce vous Existe… Et comment tu es sur? Montres moi votre Curriculum Vitae… C.V.i.e Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Mar 2016

3/6/2016 18:12 – Facebook Post

From Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanuel is with you Beloved SHIVA.H. A.YA.. This is why I (We) fight still to come home to myself because that is literally who we are.. And how I feel when I am back to myself.. 5:O9 p.m Being under cover, as a spy in this world, sharing intel from me Cee has literally become a chore and a bore.. What you described is the E…Consciousness Immortality Indestructible Energy… 5:11 p.m E.K 5:12 pm E.L.. Original […]

06 Mar 2016

3/6/2016 18:01 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Bradshaw And your E-Spirit is your Heart… So your heart was not broken… just Hurt deeply hurt.. Great image…her eyes… Beautiful Pride… Ref Sacred portal 7… Only now can She pass, now that She has learn’t her lessons No one,no man or woman can break your truly break your heart for it is is formed of the mettle of Existence.. Eternal Love and Eternal Truth.. Eternal Cee Indestructible In-conquerable… Unless you succumb to that which is not real.. […]

06 Mar 2016

3/6/2016 1:05 – Facebook Post

11:28 p.m… My Birthday.. Two new Face Book Friends… Eduardo Paulo Noco Alexzandra Akposheri… Code E.A…H Number of Face Book Friends.. 518..E.A..H… Current Abode of E 18 Mountain View… Identification of what I am doing on Face Book, Nadee Nakandala 3 years ago declared I am Authoring Harmony… E.A.H… A.H..E… Perfect Symmetry… 5th M-Arch…E.M.ARCH Date 3-5.9…C.E…Sacred Portal 35 “The Point”..Is I. See sacred portal 147..And 55… Conclusion; There is nothing wrong with Humanity… Each responded to the Summons of Eternal […]

05 Mar 2016

3/5/2016 13:19 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Mar 2016

3/3/2016 17:50 – Facebook Post

And the third post of 3-8-9…In a row appearing in my News Feed S.M.R.S. Consequently, Jai Italiaander, Jude Rogers, and Shane Michael Robinson Sr…. And yes, I recognize this as an equation based on the Anchors of the play, such as Nuno Ordens Miguel “Emanuel” calling out “Shiva ya” in Praise, on my page over a year ago… And yes, I have to keep all details of the 47 and a half month play in my awareness..After all, even the […]