

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 0:56 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 51 Area 51.. Kundalini..Throne of the God of Creation.. The Sex S.E.X God.. 12:55 a,m L.E E… H.B.Lee.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 0:49 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Mar 2016

3/13/2016 23:00 – Facebook Post

8:47 p.m… The RESPONSE I ASKED FOR Yesterday 5:28 Links to Nadee Nakandala.. IS IS! O Sir IS… H..47.. 11 28.. 39.. C.I… L.G.B..Love Green Blue..4-5… Aries Jupiter…A.J.. Code Anisa Jansson.. Anis means Meaning of the baby name ANISA. ANISA (?????). Arabic name, derived from the vocabulary word (ûnîsa), meaning “intimate friend,” and also “woman.” Jans Janus…”Door’.. 13-3-9…M.C.I.. 4-C.I… 9:00 p.m… 9=I… 3-13-9… C.M.I… Consciousness MI…3rd Note, 3rd Color…3D… Consciousness M.I 6… 6th Sense… Yesterday, on Face Book, I made […]

11 Mar 2016

3/11/2016 20:30 – Facebook Post

4:50 p.m D.E.O..I De-Vine of the Source I.. 4th Dimension 5th Dimension..Green Blue 11-3-9…K.C.I.. Kolo Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna All round Praise to the Creator for a job well done, the Prince and manly warrior whose Strength never abandoned him.. 3-11-9…C.K.I… Code Consciousness is called Ki.. Ki is Japanese.. it means “Inner light, light, Nature Orgone, soul-Spirit-Elan…” Its also called Spirit of Movement.. and Energy Spirit.. Some older Face Book friends may recall that in my Creation Story of the family of […]

10 Mar 2016

3/10/2016 22:39 – Facebook Post

“Get used to it we are Everything and Everyone.. once we accept that we are everyone we can stop judging and start becoming that which we chose- decide to be.. And that is how one finds Ones I.D.. And can discern between that which is true and false.. And understand at last, the Rock Solid Fact.. Our own I.P Address.. Individual Unique Personalties… I..UP! E 9:37-8 p.m I.C..Grace…is Harmony… I.C.I.. (Oneself) “Ici”.. Here… By listening I hear..M.E 9:39 P.M ICI […]

10 Mar 2016

3/10/2016 19:51 – Facebook Post

Father O and Harmony… undercover in the Play.. See the Code behind them.. “Take (ME) Home..” T.M.H…T.H…(2O13..8..August 2013..) T.H..20 8..28..” I understand the Intel.. in 2013 I August, I had been posting on Face Book for a Year and 5 months.. 17 Months (Qi) And my intel told me that it was all Done.. Complete.. I had found the line Nadee Nakandala 5:28 and the play of N=14 logically moved to 1+4=5..E…Evolution… I had been very disturbed by the change […]

09 Mar 2016

3/9/2016 19:53 – Facebook Post

5:O6 p.m Code 56.. Sacred Portal 56.. “Arrival of the E line 5-6 beings” 56= 11 1..See sacred Portal 11..1..111… Portal of the Cobra King Veiled by the Dopplegangers of the Sacred Feminine code represented by Maritz-Marina.. Donna Sophie… Sacred portal IA “Love Links Joy-US Divine” Cosmic Egg..C.E..Eros Sacred portal 111.. “Victorious Home Coming…” Date; 9-3-9…I.C.I..”Ici” Here in French. 3-9-9…C.I..I Hello.. we are currently at 521 Face Book Friends.. E.U..(E.B.A) code E.U is aligned to Esther Uzoma..E.U. Esther means Star, […]

09 Mar 2016

3/9/2016 17:36 – Facebook Post

From Kate Stanley I noticed the Golden Heart and the Arrow, pendant and necklace she is wearing.. which reminds me of Cupid.. Aphrodite Eros Cupid (Cup-I.D..being the Holy Grail.. What is the True Identity of Humanity and what is a true Human Being?) A.E.C..H.I… 15..3 8 9… 6 3 8 9… F.C.H.I. Full Circle First Contact Fact Consciousness…Harmony Infinity… Hmmm.. perhaps this image is the personification of the Female Cupids.. Identity, discovered- uncovered at last. 4:35 p.m D:C.E.. Original Facebook […]

09 Mar 2016

3/9/2016 15:24 – Facebook Post

M.M…Legal now in All 5O states… Evolution…change of consciousness and perception of something, but its truth being gradually discovered and revealed.. This is what I mean by the term, “The Beautiful Truth’ Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Mar 2016

3/9/2016 4:14 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here